06 March 2021 – Details – Part 2

Mark 6:37 But he answered, “You give them something to eat”.

There is nothing that is too small or insignificant that will miss God’s attention. As humans are limited by time, strength and resources, our little brains tend to limit the power, care and compassion of God on our minute yet critical needs. Not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it (Matthew 10:29). There are thousands of sparrows all over the world, yet, our Heavenly Father cares, clothes and feeds each one of them. The same Mighty God who manages the universe is concerned about the tiny birds! So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows (Matthew 10:31).

Many have a misconstrued understanding that praying about our physical and material needs are unacceptable and that Jesus is concerned only about  our spiritual needs. After a full day retreat with Jesus in a remote place about 5,000 men, women and children were spiritually fed yet physically hungry and tired. Jesus was moved with compassion, multiplied the five loaves of bread and two fishes and fed their empty stomachs. Jesus understands our needs as He Himself was hungry, tired and exhausted.

Our Heavenly Father cares about the minute details of our life:

1.     Physical: When Jesus raised the daughter of Jairus, He told them to give her something to eat  (Mark 5:43b).  He didn’t say, convene a thanksgiving prayer meeting or go to the temple with a sin or a fellowship offering. They would have eventually paid their vows and gratitude to the Lord but He prioritised the physical need. We will become vulnerable when we are physically exhausted, hungry or tired. Many get “angry” when they are hungry. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and if we don’t care of it, we would repair it!  So, take time to rest, exercise, eat healthy and keep your body energized. Jesus cares about our physical wellbeing.

2.     Psychological: Jesus cares about our emotional and psychological state before He expects us to exercise our faith. We see Him preparing the hearts of people to receive the miracle. He would ask a blind man, “what do you want me to do?”; not because Jesus could not see the state of the man but to prepare and mend his psychological state. When the news came from the house of Jairus that his daughter was dead, Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe (Mark 5:36). He cares about our anxieties, our deliberations and secret struggles. Our pain, problem or predicament could be silly or small to others but Jesus cares and will be there to help us out of our psychological struggles.  

3.     Palpable: God cares about our every move, starts and stops. Nothing misses His sovereign vision. He gives the same attention to a person struggling with alcoholic addiction as much as He gives to the one complaining of headache. It is the same Omnipotent God who determines the boundaries of the sea as well as concerned about one sparrow that falls dead in the willow. Your problem is not too small or insignificant to Him. Involving Jesus in our day to day life, joining hands with Him for our daily mundane issues and seeking His help and leaning on to  Him for constant direction will make His presence tangible and palpable.

We have a God who cares not only about our spiritual and supernatural desperations but also about our physical and psychological needs.  

Matthew 10:30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, my problems might be minuscule in your eyes but I thank you for your attention, care and concern over all my needs. Guide me, lead me and coach me through my everyday life’s struggles. Amen

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