14 March 2021 – Snake Line – Part 3

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made.

Out of the various sects of the animal kingdom that includes amphibians, birds, fish, invertebrates, mammals and reptiles, Eve chose to become friendly with a crafty, sneaky, devious snake! We have heard atheists and antagonists arguing that it would have been impossible for a snake to have a meaningful conversation with Eve. However, little do they understand that this was a time period before our spiritual ears and eyes were dimmed, dipped and dulled by sin. The chirping of the birds would have sounded like songs of “good morning”; barking of the dogs as “come play with me” and monkeys squeaking as “come swing with me” to Adam and Eve. Hence the hissing of the snake would have been audible and understandable. The same hissing demons are talking to us even today and they are loud and clear.  They whisper insult, insecurity, and infidelity into our ears. The moment we stop to listen and engage in a conversation we are allowing the legless essence of poison to be injected into our minds and souls.   

The Garden of Eden was the divine domicile of both Adam and Eve yet, Eve wandered below the snake line, got caught in the snare of the devil and pulled Adam right into it.

Wandering below the snake line will lure us into three dangers:

1.     Value: When we engage and entertain the hissing of the demons, we will easily slip into the slimy sinking sand of sin. Devil is dumb and his tricks have not changed for the past 6,000 year. His language has changed to address the millennials of the 21st century yet his devices are still doubt, distrust and disbelief. He would ask questions such as “if God is good, why are there natural calamities, catastrophes and cataclysm?” He would drag our thoughts away from the goodness, glory and greatness of God and devalue God. He would make the comments, opinions and compliments of people more valuable than the promises of God.     

2.     Voice: If we entertain the hissing of the devil, his voice would become louder than the voice of God. Soon the voice of our heart will become friends with the voice of the devil and shoot our morale down. The devil will say, “you are a loser” or “you might be next on the redundant list”. Soon your voice will join forces and say, “no one loves me” or “I am inefficient, I’m a failure or ineffective”.  It is dangerous to stop and listen to the devil. We must learn to talk back to the negative voices and reverse it. We must learn to rebuke and drive the demonic voices out of our life. We must strangle and silence the voice of the devil.

3.     Vanity: The first sin in the galaxy was the pride of Lucifer(satan). If we dissect the root of every sin, there will be an element of pride embedded. Eve was enticed into becoming “like God” by the serpent before she plucked the fruit and ate it. If we delve deep into our fears, worries or anxieties, the root cause of the uneasiness  would be because we have lost “control”.  Control is rooted in the core of pride. Humbling, surrendering and yielding to the control of God over our lives will keep us far away from the trap of vanity  

Stop, silence and strangle the hissing of the demons.

2 Corinthians 11:3 But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give me the sharpness to strangle the hissing voice of the demons that devalues you and your promises over my life. Amen

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