16 March 2021 – Snake Line – Part 5

Exodus 4:3-4 The Lord said, “Throw it on the ground.”Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it. 4 Then the Lord said to him, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail”.

Moses had 40 years of experience as a shepherd in the wilderness when God asked him to take the snake by its tail. He did not argue that taking a snake by its tail is not a good idea nor suggested that grabbing it by the head would be a better strategy. From the submission of Moses we derive two fundamental secrets of walking above the spiritual snake line; firstly, to experience the supernatural we must be obedient to His Word and secondly snakes(demons) above the snake line suffer sleepiness, drowsiness, stupor and lethargy. Hence when Moses took the snake by its tail it froze to death and became a stick.

Moses learnt the valuable vital virtue of obedience that made him candid, courageous and confident before Pharaoh. When Moses and Aaron appeared before Pharaoh, Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a snake. Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians and each one threw down his staff and it became a snake. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs (Exodus 7:10-12). Aaron’s staff gulped all the magic wands of the conjurors and made them powerless.

Three powers are vested to those who live above the snake line:

1.     Touch: There is power in touch of those who live above the snake line of obedience. The snakes and demons suffer from stupor above the snake line! The power of the snake is in its mouth, so if caught by the tail it would bite and hurt with its fangs but our touch is like a high voltage electric shock on the snakes that it freezes, flees and fumbles the demons. As we climb above the snake line of obedience, we are empowered with the authority to pick up snakes by its tail and hurl it back to hell.      

2.     Terror: Those who live above the snake line of obedience are a terror to the sorcerers, magicians and soothsayers. As the staff of Aaron that gobbled the wands of the magicians, those who live above the snake line will gnaw the power of black magic, witchcraft and the powers of darkness. The forces of darkness cringe at those who climb the prayer mountain day after day. As we trek above the snake line of obedience, we will tread upon scorpions, snakes and demons under our feet.  

3.     Threat: Hell has a list of those who are above and below the snake line of obedience; those who are scorching hot, warm, lukewarm and cold prayer lives. Snakes sneak into dark and cold lives, not into a hot heart and bubbling lives. Moses had only a wooden stick in his hands and Pharaoh had the most powerful kingdom, iron chariots, horsemen and an army yet, Moses dictated terms to Pharaoh by the power of God. With the name of Jesus Christ, the blood and the old rugged wooden cross we can eradicate, annihilate and obliterate the demonic interferences from our lives. When we go down on our knees, the demons in hell tremble and wet their pants!

The authority to nullify, cancel and reverse the powers of the dark world is in the hands of those who walk above the snake line.  

Exodus 4:4 Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, teach me to take authority over the demons that try to run loose in my life. Make me a dynamite to the kingdom of God and a threat to the powers of darkness. Amen

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