02 April 2021 – Mind Over Matter – Part 1

Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Modern translation of the above verse is “change your thoughts and you will change your world”.  Disciplining our “mind over matter” will leverage our understanding on mind-centric doctrines, principles and theologies. It simply advocates that thoughts, perceptions, feelings, wills and reasoning will rule the mind and not the matter or material. We cannot wallow in negative thoughts and build a positive life. It is essential to make a conscious decision to change our thoughts as thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become behaviour and behaviour becomes our lifestyle which determines our destiny. Where the mind goes the man goes.   

Apostle Paul has given us training tips to tutor our mind to hop over matter in Romans 12:2. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. He simply says test your thoughts to confirm if they conform to the standards of the world or the Word. If our mind is not coached, controlled and resolute our faith will become shaky, fragile and wobbly. Only when our mind can see past everything that is tangible, touchable and testable, our faith will grow. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Growing our faith is strictly “mind over matter”.

“30/60/90 Rule” gives us three steps to control our mind over matter:

1.     30 Days – Discipline: Step 1 is to go on a 30 days discipline to change our negative thought pattern, words of defeat and disparagement. The first 30 days, we would need a reminder on our phone, a post-it note on our mirror or an alarm to overpower negative thoughts. Discipline and determination would rewire the membranes of our mind. Doubt, disbelief and discouragement would be unwound and faith, joy and peace would be rebound. No control is broken without a fight. Make a decision today to remind yourself of the promises, positivity affirmations and prophetic utterances at least three times a day. It is only after 30 days of positive confession, the seed of faith will germinate in the soil of our heart.

2.     60 Days – Habit: The second set of 30 days would be easier as the hard outer shell of wrong habits has been broken. When Jesus said, “follow me”, He meant follow my habits, behaviour patterns and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Jesus spent the first few hours in prayer; He flowed in the power of the Holy Spirit and only accomplished the agenda of the Father. When we stop reacting instinctually and start responding responsibly; we have formed a habit and have brought our mind under control.  In the next 60 days, the germinated seed of faith will grow into a tender seedling.  

3.     90 Days – Lifestyle: Once we cross the 60 day mark, our habits become lifestyles. We would need no reminder to confront negative thoughts as it would become our second nature. Once positive healthy thought patterns are built, we would need a daily renewing, refocusing and refreshing of our core values to grow our faith. If we don’t maintain the beautiful castle of thought patterns, it will soon deteriorate. This is the process of renewing, reiterating and rejuvenating our mind everyday to transform into the image of Jesus.  

The 30/60/90 days plan is a very successful corporate strategy that is used to inculcate the core values, visions and veracity in employees. This strategy simply implants mind over matter.

Hebrews 11:6a And without faith it is impossible to please God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me your ways and infuse mind over matter. Let me never be controlled by what I see but by what I believe. Amen

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