05 April 2021 – Mind Over Matter – Part 4

1 Thessalonians 5:8 Let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.

The best recommended materials for helmets are polycarbonate plastic or fibreglass. The hard outer surface protects the head from head injury. Similarly, the “Hope of Salvation” is the best recommended headgear to protect our mind from being inflicted, affected or instigated. Hope is mind over matter that must be protected by the helmet of salvation. Hope of salvation is the assurance that our sins have been forgiven, confidence that we have been accepted and the guarantee that we are partakers of the divine inheritance. It is just a calm assurance that the sins, misbehaviours, wrongs choices and curses of the past have been completely forgiven and forgotten. Many have the assurance of forgiveness yet, live under the condemnation of the consequences. Helmet of salvation protects us from the load of blame, shame and ill name.  

The helmet is the hope of freedom, favour and forgiveness that protects us from the stones of stigma, shame and sorrow. The helmet protects our mind from depression, disbelief and doubts even when the prognosis, diagnosis and hypothesis is against us. It is not a state of hypnosis but it is mind over matter where we trust the promises over the problems and His Word over the verdict. Never start your morning without the helmet of salvation.

 The helmet of salvation protects us from spiritual contusions, concussions and convulsions :        

1.     Contusion: A bruise on the brain is called a contusion. The mind is normally severely attacked and bruised during the first few minutes after we wake up in the morning. The first few thoughts before we get out of bed can scare, damage and bruise the rest of the day. Put on the helmet of salvation as soon as you open your eyes in the morning. Praise, worship and greet the Lord as you open your eyes. Fearful thoughts in the morning can derail and detain us for the rest of the day. Prevent your mind from contusion by consciously connecting and conversing with the Lord as soon as you wake up.

2.     Concussion: A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a jolt, hit or a blow. A sudden shocking news, a bad report, slander, an attack on our reputation, disappointment in our expectation and mutation of our inspiration can cause a traumatic injury to the mind. The effects of concussion on the brain are confusion, vomiting, headache, nausea, depression, moodiness, and amnesia. The  effects of concussion on the mind will be very similar; disinterest, sulkiness, disturbed sleep, forgetfulness and melancholy. The treatment for the concussion of the mind is to turn on worship music and praise the Lord; hopelessness and despair will vanish and joy and peace will engulf.

3.     Convulsions: Head injuries, high fever and certain drugs can cause convulsions to the brain. Overworking, weariness and fatigue can cause convulsions to the soul. When we are physically hackneyed, we would become brain dead, causing convulsions in our emotions and reactions. Hysteria is a spiritual convulsion to the mind. When overwhelmed, overworked and overweighed, it’s time to take a break to avoid mental breakdown. Spiritual lethargy and emotional fatigue could be caused by physical overload. Don’t over involve, overdo and overexert and overcome convulsions of the mind.  

Spiritual head-gear of the helmet of salvation is essential for a healthy mind. Defeating the vicious attacks of the devil on the mind is simply – mind over matter.

Ephesians 6:17 Take the helmet of salvation.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I will put on the helmet of salvation to protect my mind that assures me of forgiveness, compassion and divine protection. Amen

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