07 April 2021 – Mind Over Matter – Part 6

Genesis 11:6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

The mind, emotions and the will of man are the three compartments in the human soul. The thoughts that are energised by emotions are ignited by willpower and result in actions, reactions and reciprocations.  A resolute thought process, backed up by passion, accelerated by determination, gives birth to plan, proposition and pursuit. When the people of the earth joined hearts and hands together to build the tower of Babel, the Lord said, nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. This is the power of thoughts, feelings and determination. If we have control over the thought process we will be able to exercise “mind over matter” in all situations.

When there is a bridle over our thoughts, there will be control over our feelings and will. The key to keep our mind under control is to “think what we are thinking about”. We must set sometime for constructive, creative, coherent and connective thinking. Start your day by meditation on a devotional or a Bible verse and build your thoughts on positive, pleasing and profound foundation every morning.

Three keys to build a solid thought process:        

1.     Create: Our mind is like real estate. It will be filled with what we plant, ponder and pursue. If we want the sweet smell of roses in the garden we must plant fragrant flowering plants. Cleaning the land and planting the garden is hard work but our efforts will pay us with flowers, fruits and fragrance. Similarly, clearing the clutter from our mind will be assiduous yet, once cleaned, ploughed and planted, we can create Godly thinking patterns. Uproot every negative thought which swells up pessimistic emotions and pushes us to destructive actions. Plant Godly seeds, implant great visions and instil goodly thoughts to create a healthy mind.

2.     Construct: Continuous weeding, pruning and watering is essential to grow good thoughts. Not every thought that we have are from God. The tower of Babel sounded like a good plan yet, it wasn’t the will of God. Improve your thought process every day. Think about what you are thinking about. Reassess and reconfirm your line of thinking with the Word of God. If there are selfish, arrogant or self gratifying thoughts, weed-out those thoughts before it takes root. Trim the rose bush regularly to avoid overgrowth. Trim prideful, demeaning or derogatory thoughts and construct humility, meekness and obedience.  

3.     Connect: The secretto have our mind under control and exercise mind over matter is our connectivity with the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly realm. To have the perfume of Christ on us, we must walk closely with Him. Test each thought and conform it to the thought pattern of Jesus Christ. If we are drowning in fear, faithlessness and frustration, we are disconnected to the divine domain. Tear down dreadful, disturbing and deleterious thoughts and change the graphics of your mind. Connectivity with the Holy Spirit is the key to victorious thinking.    

When we discipline ourselves to think like Jesus, our emotions will be under control and we will submit to the will of the Father. Take time to think what you are thinking about.

Proverbs 19:12 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, come with me wherever I go and converse with me wherever I am. Talk to me in the cafeteria, boardroom and market place as you do in my prayer closet. Amen

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