15 April 2021 – Watchmen – Part 7

1 Peter 2:8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

The watchman on the wall must be sober to be watchful. If the watchmen are inebriated, intoxicated and under the influence of substance, the enemy would insidiously enter to loot, steal and plunder our possessions, peace and prosperity. This is why the watchman has to be sober, vigilant and watchful. Categorically you and I, who are the watchman on the wall for our families, must be attentive, agile and alert all the time. As a watchman whose eyes are always on predators, intruders and burglars, we must be watchful on what steals our peace, serenity and sanity.  

In the spiritual realm, the demonic are fully aware of a home that does not have praying watchmen protecting and fortifying their territory to sneak in and steal. When we have a routine time set for prayer, petitioning and interceding, there would be habitual angelic visitation. Demons like dark and deserted places. Prayerlessness sets in darkness in our domain that invites demons to creep-in and morph our lifestyle.  

Be watchful to diagnose and treat prayerlessness:

1.     Limpsy: Limpsy means limp or weakness that causes instability. Be watchful over the small stumbles, struggles and staggers. Watch over your schedule, busyness and hustle that brings on physical pressure and fatigue. If our hectic schedule makes us sleep-in and eats into our prayer time, demons will crawl in. When the demons cannot lure us into vigorous sin, they would tempt us with “busyness”. Panic attacks, anxiety and apprehensions are caused by a condition called “limpsy” that has wounded and slowed down our prayer walk. If we are too busy or too tired to wake up for prayer, we will open the door to the prowling adversary to pounce into our lives.  Be watchful over your schedule.

2.     Biopsy: Biopsy is the removal and examination of a sample of tissue. If we do a biopsy of a problem area in our life, we will diagnose the root-cause as ‘lack of prayer’ or prayerlessness. The cause of a rage, ruckus or rant would be slackness in our prayer life. There are demons who specialise in causing commotion in the family, initiating gossip at work or causing misunderstanding between friends. Our prayer life will keep these troublemakers out of our circle of life. A person who is marinated with the presence of God will be overflowing with love and will have no time for worry, fear, slander or irritation. Be watchful over your relationships.

3.     Autopsy: Autopsy is the examination of a cadaver to determine or confirm the cause of death. If we do an autopsy on the life of celebrities who commit suicide in the prime of their career, the autopsy result will come back as “Godlessness”. Learn from the mistakes of others, you can never live long enough to make them all yourself. If there is a spiritual death of unity, joy or peace, do an autopsy and investigate the root-cause and to diagnose and arrest the demons of disunity, disagreement and disaccord that have been entertained and let lose into our homes and lives. Our regular, watchful prayer will keep the demons away.  

We must watch and pray to keep the prowling enemy from infringing into our lives. Watch and pray.

Ezekiel 3:16 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to be watchful, aware and prayerful to keep the enemy lurking out of my domain. Let me always be aware that I am a watchman over my family, friends and finances. Amen

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