16 April 2021 – Spirit of Excellence – Part 1

Daniel 5:12 An excellent spirit, knowledge, and understanding to interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve problems were found in this Daniel.

Excellent spirit is not a spiritual gift. It is an attitude that is generated by discipline, positivity and integrity. Excellent people never settle for average. “Excellence” is a grade that is buried in “average”. Daniel the exile in Jerusalem was a captive who was carried into Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. He had shown consistent discipline, superior standard, high quality work and extraordinary wisdom which made him obtain a position as the chief advising officer for four kings across three kingdoms during his lifetime.  The core value that elevated Daniel to become a man of “excellent spirit” in a pagan world was his “piety and discipline”. 

From a traditional village of religiosity, regulation and rituals, Daniel was carried into Las Vegas! (The Sin City). Yet, the place, plush or palace did not influence him, rather Daniel influenced those around him to be disciplined. Discipline starts with your mind, translates into the words of your mouth before they can become actions. When Daniel was exposed to the extravagance of Babylon, he decided in his heart not to corrupt himself with the food, filth or ravishing fervour of the land. People of excellent spirit are controlled by discipline and will not be disturbed or diverted by distractions.    

Spirit of Excellence and discipline:

1.     Decision: Spirit of excellence starts with a decision to improve, keep improving and excel until you are branded as “excellent” and “extraordinary”Daniel 1:8 Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat. Daniel decided to be pure, positive and proactive. People with the attitude of excellence will decide in their heart not to waste time, get involved in vain conversations or chatter  and lousy habits. Excellence emancipates from a decision to be disciplined.

2.     Action: Decision to be disciplined without reaction will not transform into action. Daniel was just admitted into the University of Babylon to do his master and then Phd. He had a brilliant career in the developed world of his time to advance in his profession, however, he risked to contact the wardens and excused himself from being one among many who were given free benefits of eating the King’s food. The food served was not just lavish but also licentious to corrupt their minds to lustful thinking and lure them into the pleasure of the world. People with an excellent spirit will never be lured into shortcuts, cheap pleasures and loathsome lifestyle. Excellence is always proved by actions and not words.

3.     Introspection: Spirit of excellence will drive improvement, intuition and introspection.  They would enjoy their victory but will never be satisfied with their achievements. There will be a continuous introspection, reflection and renovation to advance and accelerate. Daniel’s work ethics, culture and performance became his signature. People of excellent spirit will compete with themselves to improve their last achievement. They will never be complacent but will continuously strive for excellence.  Excellence is a lifestyle of continuous improvement by introspection.

Excellence is orchestrated in the mind, translated into speech and demonstrated as your lifestyle. Be a person of excellent spirit.

Daniel 6:3 Daniel distinguished himself above the administrators and satraps because he had an extraordinary spirit.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, fill me with the spirit of excellence and give me the tenacity to pursue it with discipline. Amen

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