21 April 2021 – Spirit of Excellence – Part 6

2 Timothy 4:13 When you come, be sure to bring the coat I left with Carpus at Troas. Also bring my books, and especially my papers.

Paul was in the Roman prison when he wrote to Timothy to bring his precious collection of scrolls, papers and parchments. Paul was waiting for an impending judgement. He could be unjustly judged, indefinitely imprisoned or even irrationally executed! Paul was a scholar who had a triple PhD in theology; yet, he longed for his treasures that will help him to keep learning, enhancing and growing. As exercise is to the body, reading is to the brain. People with an excellent spirit will intentionally grow. They never reach a point of saturation in learning. They would read, investigate, discuss and delve deeper into the truth to become people of excellence.

Change is inevitable but growth is intentional – Glenda Cloud.  Intentional growth is making an appointment and  setting a time with yourself to grow by attending seminars, listening to podcasts or spending time in the library for reading. We are all busy and unless we book sometime with ourselves everyday to read, we will never see growth.  People with an excellent spirit are never full of themselves. They are open to learn, receive and keep growing. They find ways to grow, expand their perspectives and understanding.

Spirit of Excellence and growth:

1.     Prison: Neither physical nor psychological prison could stop Apostle Paul from growing. He wrote 2/3rds of the New Testament mostly from prisons. Prisons are actually a good place to intentionally grow. We could be in a stage in life where we are controlled by unforeseen limitations, travel restrictions caused by the pandemic, protocols, persecutions or unprecedented problems. Don’t let the physical prisons imprison you psychologically. When you cannot go out on a holiday, surround yourself with activities that will enhance and help you grow and mature in Godly wisdom.  

2.     Pit: Apostle Paul was imprisoned at least three times. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea (1 Corinthians 11:25). Paul did not stop growing in persecution or the pit. Life has pit and pitiful experiences. We must not stop growing, loving and nourishing ourselves with the Word of God while climbing out of the pit. It doesn’t matter if you fall down as long as you pick up something from the floor while you get up – John C Maxwell. Don’t waste your time being angry, resentful or bitter while you are in a pit; rather pick up some valuable lessons and pull yourself out of the pit.  

3.     Pinnacle: At Lystra, Paul healed a lame man. When the lame jumped up to his feet, the people said that the gods have come down in human form and pressed to offer sacrifices to Paul. Paul however did not lose his head over the popularity. He preached the cross, the blood and Jesus who was crucified. He never preached about himself, his sacrifice, gifts or the miracles he performed! When people of excellence are on the pedestal, pulpit or the pinnacle, they will lift up the Master and not themselves.     

People with an excellent spirit will grow in the prison, pit or pinnacle; the dump, dungeon or dais. If you do not have a habit of reading, start today – growth is intentional.

2 Timothy 2:8-9 This is my gospel, 9 for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, no matter where I am,  help me to intentionally grow. Amen

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