22 April 2021 – Spirit of Excellence – Part 7

Luke 2:52 Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

All that we know about the life of Jesus from His age of 12 to 30 years is that He went back to His town, trained to be a carpenter and grew in wisdom, stature and favour with God and man. When we stop learning we start losing. Jesus is our exemplary leader who leads by example. Luke 2:51 Jesus went back to Nazareth with His parents and obeyed them. A person with a spirit of excellence will be open to learn, humble to esteem and genuinely respect others. Jesus taught us to show genuine respect, honour, esteem, value and worth to others.

Spirit of excellence is not a spiritual gift; it is an attitude that is developed from a spirit of discipline, integrity, dedication, humility, right choices, intentional growth and respect. High quality, superior standard and extraordinary achievements are never achieved by accident, it is a decision and a result of hard work.  

Spirit of Excellence is a result of the following virtues:

1.     Discipline: The discipline of Daniel to be sober made him a man of excellence. Daniel 5:12 An excellent spirit, knowledge, and understanding to interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve problems were found in this Daniel. Excellence emancipates from a decision to be disciplined.  Excellence is orchestrated in the mind, translated into speech and demonstrated as your lifestyle. Discipline hoisted Daniel as a dignitary and counsellor to four kings under three kingdoms.    

2.     Integrity: Integrity is the integration of words and behaviour. The Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did (Genesis 39:23). Spirit of excellence is driven by integrity which results in credibility and character. Integrity of Joseph elevated him from the prison to the palace.

3.     Dedication: People with excellent spirit are solution finders and problem solvers. Numbers 14:24 But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly. Excellent people will conquer what mediocre people will complain about. Caleb conquered the most difficult mountainous giants in the promised land because he was a man with an excellent spirit, sincerity and steadfastness.     

4.     Humility“The greatest enemy of progress is your last success, you could become so proud of what you’ve already accomplished that you stop moving ahead to what you can still accomplish.” – Myles Munroe. 1 Samuel 18:14 David continued to succeed in everything he did, for the LORD was with him. Humility is the step that will take us to the heights of distinction.  Humility elevated David to be the greatest king of Israel.

5.     Priorities: People with an excellent spirit align their priorities, perspective, poise and posture to move, grow and accelerate towards their desired destined vision. King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth (1 Kings 10:23). Solomon’s priority to seek Godly wisdom brought wealth, honour and fame into his kingdom.

6.     Growth: People with an excellent spirit will take effort to grow intentionally as growth doesn’t happen automatically. Paul wrote the astounding manuscripts, mandates and almost 2/3rd of the New Testament from prison. Stop grieving and grudging about the fall, grow through it.

7.     Respect: The Son of Man (Jesus) was subject to His earthly caretakers and grew in wisdom, stature and favour of God and man. It was in the humble home of Mary and Joseph did Jesus learn His traits and trade. God’s favour is quadrupled by obedience.

Be and become a person with an excellent spirit. Spirit of excellence is not a gift but an attitude.

Numbers 12:3 Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I commit, humble and surrender myself to develop the spirit of excellence. Amen

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