23 April 2021 – Perfume – Part 1

2 Corinthians 2:14: “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us reveals the fragrance of the knowledge of Him in every place.”

Perfume industry contributes US$35 billion to the global economy . This is one of the earliest industries invented by mankind. Perfumes were made by extracting natural oils from plants through pressing and steaming. The oil was then burned to scent the air. The Ancient Egyptians burned incense as they believed that perfumes awakened the spirits. During the time of Jesus, frankincense was considered more precious than gold. Most of these perfumes had medicinal, aromatic and cosmetic values. Modern day perfume industry has diversified into scented soaps, candles, cosmetics and cologne.

However, Paul in the above verse talks about a different fragrance. This is the “fragrance of the soul”. This is the aroma of Christ that emanates from our closeness to Him. In Rome, after a great victory, there would be a day for the triumphant procession.  On this day, the victorious Roman emperor would lead the prestigious procession dragging the captives behind him. Jesus won the battle on the cross and crushed the head of the devil. King Jesus is now leading the triumphant procession and we are the rejoicing redeemed crowd following Him, dragging death, disease and the defeated demons behind us. We are perfumed with the aroma of victory, joy and righteousness through Christ Jesus. We will smell like Christ only when we soak ourselves in His presence.

The fragrance of Christ is the aroma of forgiveness, fervour and favour:

1.     Forgiveness: The fragrance of Christ’s victory on us is the evidence of our triumph over sin and forgiveness through Him. When our own conscience or the voice in our head screams at us reminding us of our past sins, pitiful mistakes and profanity, the aroma of Christ reminds us that we have been forgiven, justified and redeemed. 1 John 3:20 If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything.  Silence the screaming voices of guilt, condemnation and blame and soak into the aroma of Christ’s victory.

2.     Fervour: The fragrance of Christ gives us the winning fervour. Devil is relentless to drag us back into the past sins, wrong habits and behaviour patterns, however, the smell of Christ on us is the fervour to overcome temptation. It is proven that smell arouses fervour. Winning is never one off. When we win a race, the passion to win the next overtakes us. Similarly, the smell of Christ on us, moves us from Glory to Glory, Holiness to Godliness, Piety to Purity. We would never want to smell like a pig after being perfumed as a prince.

3.     Flavour: Have you ever walked into a food court and heard your stomach rumbling? Smell stimulates our taste buds even when we are not hungry.  The aroma of Christ stimulates us to become more like Him. The flavour of Christ must be in our words, work ethics and whereabouts. As bees are attracted to honey, people will be attracted towards our love, compassion and friendliness when we have the fragrance and flavour of Christ on us.      

 Put on the fragrance of victory, joy and holiness today and smell like King Jesus.

2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, help me to marinate in your presence to emanate the perfume of Christ through me. Amen

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