27 April 2021 – Perfume – Part 5

Psalms 133:1&2 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head.

Unity is a sweet smelling fragrance of God’s love, compassion and benevolence. It is compared to the anointing oil that was smeared over the head of the High Priest, Aaron. The anointing oil was no ordinary olive oil. Exodus 30:25 You shall make of these a Holy anointing oil, a perfume mixture, the work of a perfumer; it shall be a Holy anointing oil. It was a fine blend of the finest spices weighing 500 shekels of myrrh, 250 shekels of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant cane and 500 shekels of cassia. They did not use drops of this aromatic oil but the precious oil was poured on the head of the priest, until it ran down his beard and drenched the collar of his robe. So, after the high priest was anointed, when he walks through the streets, the entire colony would be permeated with the sweet smelling aroma of the anointing oil. People would run out into the streets from their homes to witness the anointed man of God walk past. The anointed priest would saturate the atmosphere, infuse into every home and defuse bad odour with the sweet smelling fragrance.

As carriers of the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Christ and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, our presence in the society, community and city must defuse disunity, bigotry and hatred. The more the anointing oil, the stronger will be the viscosity of the sweet smelling fragrance.   

Causes and effects of the anointing aroma:

1.     Pour: Not a drop but a jar of fragrant anointing oil was poured on the head of the priest. When the Holy Spirit is poured on us like an anointing oil, there will be the sweet smell of unity, peace and harmony around us. No one can claim that they are slathered and immersed in the precious anointing of the Holy Spirit and bring strife, slander and slur with them. As the fragrance of the anointing oil poured on the priest spreads and infuses into the atmosphere around him, the aroma of Christ will suffuse into hearts and homes that we walk into.  

2.     Permeate: The aroma cannot be contained, hidden or restricted. No rule book, tradition or control can conceal the sweet fragrance of Christ when the anointing oil has been poured out on us. The aroma of unity, genuine affection and power will be imparted into the people we speak, minister and mingle. The unavoidable perfume of His presence will break barriers of  discrimination, intolerance and injustice.

3.     Power: The sweet smelling fragrant oil poured over our head and our hearts empowers us with power. James 5:14 Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. The aromatic anointing of the Holy Spirit is not a cosmetic touch or a Christian cliché; the anointing is the conduit of His power, influence and love.  

The aroma of Christ is like the fragrant anointing oil poured out on the priest that spreads love, unity and justice.   

Psalms 45:8 All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia.

Prayer: My Dear Heavenly Father, help me to carry the sweet aroma of your presence into the world to dissipate hatred, violence and injustice and inculcate love, unity and peace. Amen

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