04 May 2021 – Permutations & Combinations – Part 5

James 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder [unrest, rebellion] and every evil thing and morally degrading practice.

If the order doesn’t matter then we have a combination, if the order matters then we have a permutation. One can say that a permutation is an ordered combination. Envy and enmity are a lethal combination. Envy whisks resentment at the success of another. Where there is unrest, rebellion and rivalry, the underlying current is deadly jealousy. Cain killed Able not just because his offering was rejected but because Abel’s offering was accepted and consecrated. Proverbs 27:4 Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? Human carnal instincts do not enjoy someone else’s victory, success or progress. Applause to a work colleague does not particularly give us joy. However the seed of jealousy must be deseeded before it takes root and branches out into animosity, hatred and contention.  When the women sang songs about David’s battle strength, Saul’s heart was clogged with bitter envy. Jealousy morphed its way through Saul which made him a violent deleterious killer. Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you.

Research states that sibling rivalry starts as early as 4 years but the twins Esau and Jacob started fighting in the womb! Contention, confusion and cacophony is caused by deep rooted jealousy.   

Causes, effects and antidotes to envy and enmity:

1.     Appreciation: The cause of envy is comparison and its effect is contention but buoyancy will extend appreciation to others.  We must learn to appreciate the victory of others when the jealousy bomb is dropped into our heart. Those who are firmed footed in their identity in Christ will not be distracted by jealousy. Treasure your talents and improvise, but also learn to value the gifting of others. Galatians 6:4 “Let each one examine his own work. Then he can take pride in himself and not compare himself with someone else.” Genuine appreciation extended to others is the weed killer of the seed of jealousy.   

2.     Attention: When the need of personal attention, significance and importance swells bigger than service, envy grips the heart.  Most times envy is the after effect of attention seeking. Job 5:2; “Surely resentment destroys the fool, and jealousy kills the simple.” The opinions, judgements and attitude of people will change no matter what we do to please them. Those who serve to seek attention and go after significance will only be disappointed and destroyed by envy.

3.     Admiration: The world does not enjoy the blessings, achievements or success of others. With every blessing comes the burden of bitter envy. The award, appreciation and admiration that David received from King Saul for all the victories that he won for Israel was “bitter envy”. King Saul failed to admire, esteem and respect the special gifts of the shepherd boy David. Envy that gripped his heart insidiously enveloped Saul’s life, kingdom and inheritance.

Strife, contention and discord are only an outward expression of the deep seeded animosity, jealousy and enmity. The antidote to the deadly combination of envy and enmity is “love”. The seed of jealousy that is sowed by comparison, importance and appreciation of others will shrivel and will not take root if the heart is constantly filled with godly, genuine love, admiration and respect for others.      

Proverbs 28:25a A greedy man stirs up strife.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit alert me when a seed of jealousy is subtly sown in my heart by the deceiver and help me to uproot it immediately.  Amen

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