05 May 2021 – Permutations & Combinations – Part 6

Matthew 5:24 Leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.

If the order doesn’t matter then we have a combination, if the order matters then we have a permutation. One can say that a permutation is an ordered combination.   The kingdom principle and permutation is forgiving before giving. Jesus instructed us clearly that our “giving” (gold, gifts or grains) will not be accepted if we hold grudge, unforgiveness and bitterness. Bitterness is believing God got it wrong, Worry is not believing God will not get it right, and unforgiveness is believing you are right even after God says you’re wrong – Randle Lowrance.   

Our walk with God is a combination of changes and transformation inside-out but the permutation or order is always from the internal emotional health to the external wellbeing and conduct. Devil works from the “outside-in” but God’s permutation formula is always from the “inside-out”. We cannot be rotten on the inside and righteous on the outside!   

Kingdom principles permutations and combinations:

1.     Reconciliation Principle: No giving in the kingdom will be accepted before forgiving. Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive (Colossians 3:13). Fasting without forgiveness is a futile combination. We are not expected to forgive because the other person is worthy to receive our forgiveness. We forgive for our offering, praise and giving to be acceptable, honourable and commendable to the Lord. Kingdom principle and permutation is “forgiveness and reconciliation must precede giving and generosity”.     

2.     Reverse Principle: The kingdom reverse principle is “Giving before Receiving”. In this world we hoard (save) to accumulate possessions but in the kingdom of God, we give to augment wealth, health and wellbeing. Give, and it shall be given unto you (Luke 6:38). Multiplication happens when you give away what you expect to receive. If there is a lack of “love” in the atmosphere of your home, start loving seamlessly, unassumingly and selflessly and it will be multiplied, and poured into your bosom. The reverse principle can be best articulated in sowing a seed and reaping a bag of wheat. If there is a lack in your relationships, funds, energy, peace, joy or love, don’t blame your spouse, inmates, church mates or workmates; invest a handful and harvest a barn full.        

3.     Restoration Principle: Repentance is the pathway to restoration. Many wait for the restoration, recompense or retribution before they return back to the Lord but the kingdom principle for restoration is repentance. Jeremiah 15:19 “If you return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me. While we are waiting on God for the restoration of blessings that were stolen, sweltered or swindled, God is waiting on us to return, regard and repent.   

Unanswered, delayed or denied answers could be a result of the wrong combination of the secret formula and kingdom permutation – “Forgiveness precedes offering; giving multiplies and repentance opens doors of rejoicing, reward and restoration”.

Romans 12:17. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honourable in the sight of all.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, let the permutation of the kingdom principles conduct my thoughts, tongue and tasks. Help me to forgive before giving, generously give to multiply and repent to restore.  Amen

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