08 May 2021 – Google – Part 2

Proverbs 4:22 For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.

In the past 2 decades people resort to “Doctor Google” rather than healthcare professionals. Statistics state that 25% go to Google to write their prescriptions and self medicate themselves. As much as Google is an effective search engine, it is not the one-stop-shop for all problems and prognosis. This search engine can educate us but it cannot empower us holistically.

If you are battling with health conditions, depression or emotional spurts, search the scriptures for answers. Rather than rushing to Google, let us search the scriptures to analyse the doctor’s report. All the antidotes for our medical conditions are found in the scriptures. His Word revives our diseased bodies and damaged souls. King Hezekiah was diagnosed with a terminal illness of an incurable inflammation. Prophet Isaiah spoke healing over Hezekiah and symbolically gave him a simple medication of fig cake ointment for what appeared to be a cancerous malignant growth. 2 Kings 20:7 Then Isaiah said, “Prepare a poultice of figs.” They did so and applied it to the boil, and he recovered. The ‘Word of God’ gives simple solutions to hideous issues.

The three categories of “Google search” are navigational search, informational search or transactional search:

1.     Navigational Search: Navigational search query is intended to find a website or webpage. To combat sickness, do a navigational search of the scriptures on miraculous healing. Navigational search will branch out into various stems of instant miracles, gradual healing, inner healing, impossible healings and incomprehensible healings. Jesus instantly healed a woman whose back was bent for 18 years, (probably due to arthritis) but instructed the ten lepers to go and show themselves to the priest and they were healed on the way to the temple. Navigating into the different streams of healing will encourage and enhance our faith level.

2.     Informational Search: Informational search is a topic research. When we spend time studying the Word, the Holy spirit will ignite information and transform it into revelation in our hearts. To heal the pot of stew which was poisoned by wild gourds, the Man of God, Elisha put some “flour” and the stew was good to eat (2 Kings 4:39-41). When we spend time meditating on portions of scripture, the Holy Spirit will reveal the secret medication through the Word of God, which is the Bread of Life. To remove the toxin that was thrown into our life by people, proclamations or past, search and study the scriptures. Dedicating time to read the scripture will heal us from negativity, nasty words and neutralising defeated emotions.  

3.     Transactional Search: Transactional search is to comprehend and complete a purchase. It gives information about brands, prices or deals. Scripture educates us on divine transactions to turn curses into blessings, sorrow into joy and a desert like dryness into a flourishing garden. This study will not only empower us but also boost the efficacy of our spiritual tenacity.      

Google search on symptoms can be terrifying and misleading. It is better to use “Scripture-Search” rather than “Google-Search” as the answer to the disasters that we face and the antidote to diseases that attack us are hidden in the scriptures. Memorise, repeat and medicate your mind with the Word of God.

Proverbs 4:20 “My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings.

Prayer: Dear Lord, as we take medication regularly three times a day, help us to consume the scriptures with faith to receive the healing that is concealed in your Life Giving Word.  Amen

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