11 May 2021 – Google – Part 5

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

In 1997 Google wanted to sell their search engine system to Yahoo for $ 2 million. Yahoo didn’t accept this offer. Later, Yahoo wanted to come back to this offer and offered $3 billion in 2002. This time Google didn’t accept the offer. Today Yahoo is much less valuable than Google. If the initial deal had gone through ‘Google’ would have been swallowed by Yahoo! In 1997, $2 million might have appeared to be the best deal but the networth of Google is $320 billion in 2021.

Drawing a parallel spiritually, God does not allow rejection without a reason. Don’t become angry or astringent with God for the rejections, dejections or frustrations. Bitterness with God will only plummet and stunt  our spiritual growth. The above is a classic example that closed doors are only redirections to something better, brighter and bigger. “Rejection doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough; it means that the other person failed to notice what you have to offer.” God purposely removes people, projects or plush to position us for progress. “Rejection is merely a redirection in your journey.”  Rejection from Yahoo was only a course correction for Google.

Setbacks are actual spiritual setups:

1.     Rejection: Joseph was rejected by his brothers. Genesis 37:4 They hated him and could not speak a kind word to him. The brothers were not able to tolerate the sight of Joseph. Joseph would have been the lonely one at the dinner table. He would have been left behind during family games. He would have been the one mocked, picked-on and ridiculed. His brothers ragged him as “The Dreamer Boy”, dumped him in the ditch and finally sold him as a slave. Yet, the rejection that he suffered was merely a course correction towards his destiny.  If you were let down, scorned and rejected; there is nothing wrong with you. People have failed to notice what you have to offer. Rejection plunges you into the destiny direction.

2.     Projection: Joseph was lied about as he could not be manipulated and bent by Potiphar’s wife. The puritan Joseph suffered indefinite sentence of imprisonment  for infidelity.  More than the detention the pilferage of his good name and the erroneous projection of his character would have distressed him. When Google was rejected by Yahoo, it would have dropped the worth of Google drastically but moving on has helped them to climb heights that Yahoo will never reach. The projections today does not deter your progress in the future; Keep climbing.

3.     Retrospection:  In hindsight, 23 years later, Google would certainly be glad that the sale fell through in 1997. After 20 years, Joseph was able to thank God for the rejections and detention. It was the hatred of the brothers that brought him to Egypt. It was the wrong projection of Potiphar’s wife that imprisoned him and it was the prison that positioned him to be propelled into the palace. All things work together for good to those who love God. What appears to look like a defeat, denunciation or detention today is only a redirection toward our purpose.

When things don’t go your way, don’t question God’s supremacy. He is still on the throne and is redirecting you towards your divine destiny.

Psalms 119:17 It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, nothing can touch me before it first passes through your fingers. I acknowledge that all things work together for my good.  Amen

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