19 May 2021 – History – Part 6

John 20:31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.

History is an account of significance, success stories and signs pointing to the next era. If the happenings of today are impactful to humanity and society then will be added to the pages of history. Your yesterday is history in your biography today, however, if there is nothing significant to add then, it would only be a blank page. While history gives us an account and achievements of the dead, the contents of the Bible contains messages that still speak. The Bible is alive as the Author still lives. Stephen was martyred 2,000 years ago. This young, exuberant, vibrant and vivacious preacher was stoned to death by a vicious, virulent and violent mob of proud Pharisees. He preached a poignant message collating from Genesis to John with authority and authenticity. To silence the brevity of the truth, they killed the juvenile preacher. Yet, Stephen’s message lives through the pages of Acts chapter 7. The truth of the Gospel (The Bible) can never be slaughtered, stoned or silenced.  

Each day we are still alive and breathing, we add a page to our history. If our lives are self-centred and selfish and not Christ-centred, the pages of our history will be blank, blur or filled with vain bliss. Worldly achievements are only fading facades with no eternal value. Only those who find their purpose give life to history and leave a legacy behind. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the Heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

History versus legacy:

1.     Signs: Three checks and signs that will leave a legacy and not just a blank pages of history are purpose, principles and prayer. A divine purpose that is built on sound principles and disciplined prayer life will leave a legacy and not a dead man’s story. If any of these signs are missing, our achievements will only be artificial temporary significance.  

2.     Success: Successful people pursue passion not money. The three secrets to success is inspiration, connection and action. Inspiration to change history, stand against bigotry or eradicate poverty will leave back a legacy. It is our connection to God and the Godly that will lead us into true success. Success is only for those who put their inspiration into action. “Some people dream of success while others wake up and work.”  Success is not defined by our bank balances, wealth, power or position, it is defined by the influence and the legacy we leave behind.    

3.     Significance: Significance is to make others succeed. “What counts in life is not mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine significance of life we lead – Nelson Mandela. Stephen died in his early thirties but has left back an impactful significant legacy. He forgave the people who stoned him to death and still lives as a testimonial reflecting the nature of Jesus. After centuries, Stephen still stands as a monument of “forgiveness” radiating Jesus.

 We can achieve something great and add pages to history but when we become someone great we leave back a legacy that will impact generations, decades and centuries to come.

Acts 7:60 Then he (Stephen) fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I endeavour to reflect you and impact lives around me to leave back a priceless legacy. Amen

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