23 May 2021 – Shadow – Part 3

Isaiah 30:2-3 Who go down to Egypt without consulting me; who look for help to Pharaoh’s protection, to Egypt’s shade for refuge.3 But Pharaoh’s protection will be to your shame, Egypt’s shade will bring you disgrace.

When Moses stood before Pharaoh ancient Egypt was the most powerful kingdom in the world. The Egyptian artworks and the pyramids are an evidence to its pomp, prosperity and pride. The Israelites who went for a short stay during the great famine remained there for 430 years.  Ramesses II, the Pharaoh in Exodus, was the most villainous of all the Egyptian rulers. His population-control strategy was to  throw the baby boys of the Hebrew slaves into the river Nile to feed the crocodiles. His economic growth scheme was to oppress the slaves to deliver the results without providing raw materials and to extract labour without any remuneration. Pharaoh gave this order to the slave drivers ..“You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw (Exodus 5:6-7). In modern society, injustice, bigotry, ruthlessness, oppression and suppression are the shadows of Egypt and the shade of the spirit of Pharaoh. Where there is the shadow of prejudice there will be a spirit of Pharaoh operating behind it.

Moses walked into the flush palace of the most powerful king with just a dry stick and delivered the half a million slaves from their slavery as he was overshadowed by the King of Kings. We are shadowed by what overshadows us.  It doesn’t matter where we are, the shelter of the Almighty overrules the gloomy shadow of sin, sickness or succumb.

Shade of the Almighty versus shadows of Egypt:

1.     Magician: Ancient Egypt was filled with witches and warlocks, magicians and sorcerers. As a sign to reiterate his God given authority to deliver his people Moses got his brother Aaron to throw the staff on the ground and it became a snake before the eyes of the Pharaoh and his officials. The Egyptian magicians also threw down his staff and it became a snake. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs (Exodus 7:12). The shady snakes and strategies of the occult will be swallowed by the power of the cross when we remain under the shadow of the Almighty God.

2.     Mansion: The mansions and the manor of the Pharaoh and his official were filled with frogs when he opposed the plan of God. The posh porches of the placid palace were not spared from the plague of Egypt. The mansions and mezzanines of Egypt were invaded by the pestilence. Yet, the frogs did not enter the humble homes of the Israelites. Goshen (where the Israelites lived) was the one suburb in Egypt that was safe under the shadow of the Almighty. 

3.     Matrix: The plagues changed the economic fabric of Egypt. Pharaoh’s officials said to him, “Do you not yet realize that Egypt is ruined?” (Egypt 10:7). The matrix or the atmosphere of the oppressors will be controlled by the Almighty God when authority is misused and God’s children are mistreated. The shadow of the almighty will control the shady schemes of cruelty.    

The shadow of the Almighty God will swallow the gimmicks of the magicians, change the flush of the mansions and control the matrix of the country. There is no place safer than the shadow of the Almighty.

Numbers 23:23 “For there is no sorcery against Jacob, Nor any divination against Israel”.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, The modern day shades of money, mansion or magic will only bring about ruin. Teach me to remain obediently under the shadow and safety of the Almighty God. Amen

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