24 May 2021 – Shadow – Part 4

Psalm 121:5 “The Lord is the shade at your right hand.”

The left and right halves of our brain each handle muscles and senses on the opposite side of our body. For most people, the left hemisphere of the brain, which is the logical side, is dominant for intent and normally controls the right side of the body. The left side of the brain controls our logic and rationality while the right controls our emotions and creativity. According to the above verse, if God is shadowing our right hand then He is in control of our logical thinking, analysing and decision-making on the left side of the brain. This promise holds good only for those who are completely immersed under His shadow.

When God overshadows us, our logical and rational instructions cannot be misled by vain theories, fables or myths. Furthermore, if He is shadowing us, we will also not be emotionally and impulsively driven. Hence, emotions will not be able to overtake our logic and control our actions. We are shadowed by what overshadows us. When He is the shade at our right hand, chemical reactions in our brain will be controlled by the Almighty.

The shade of the Almighty influences our logics, emotions and actions; calmness, courage and confidence:

1.     Calmness: Fear, doubt, indecision, insecurity, jealousy, anger, bitterness or resentment automatically attracts negative energy. When a fearful or an envious person walks into a room, negativity accompanies them. We do not attract what we want but what we feel – Ralph Smart. Calmness in our heart comes from trust in the Lord. Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Calmness is not an inborn character trait but is developed by building trust. Anxiety indicates that we are not shaded and overshadowed by the Almighty and our emotions have bulldozed our trust in the Lord.

2.     Courage: Courage is an innate nature that  is nurtured by the environment. Babies in the womb can feel love, acceptance, hatred and rejection. Similarly, the formative years of a child forms the character that influences courage. Kids from dysfunctional homes are either defensive, brash and aggressive or timid, cowardice and introverts. External influences on our courage can be rewired by the Word of God. Logic will build boldness based on God’s Word. Logic will inculcate courage that if God did it for David, Daniel and Deborah, He will do it for me.     

3.     Confidence: When we rest in the assurance that God is our shade at our right hand, we will be rest assured that animosity, accidents or antagonism cannot consume us. We will be confident that He is watching over us day and night. He will keep us from all harm of the virus, its variants or the fungal infection. 

When God is our shade at our right hand, our productive and reactive sides of the brain are completely under His control.      

Psalm 121:7 The Lord will keep you from all harm. He will watch over your life.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I surrender my logic and emotions, my tasks and tensions into your hands. Help me to rest in the calmness, courage and confidence that I am fully covered under your defensive shadow. Amen

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