30 May 2021 – Tests – Part 3

Proverbs 17:3 Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the Lord tests the heart.

Fire testing is the most accurate test for silver and gold. First the metal is mixed with lead and melted at about 1650 Degree F. The lead in the mixture binds with the silver or gold. This mixture is then poured into a mold and cooled. Because the lead is so dense, it sinks to the bottom of the mold.  This is the most authentic and ancient method of testing precious metals. As fire tests silver or gold, the Lord tests the heart.

Going through the fire test is not a pleasant experience. Before the precious metal is fashioned into ornaments, it goes through the process of mixing, melting and moulding.  Similarly the heart is tested for contaminating habits, toxic relationships and pollutants. The test of character, choices and composure will be under the sweltering heat of uncertainty, defeat or impediments.

Three fire tests of the heart:   

1.     Mixing: The first process of testing both precious metals and the heart is ‘mixing’. Character is tested when no one is watching us. Character is tested with the freedom of choice with no control or supervision. Character is tested when those around us make poor and painless choices to overcome their challenges. As gold and silver that rises above lead, our standards should be above the principles of the world. The devil’s suggestion will be easy-choices, cheap pleasures, drinks, drugs or dance clubs. He will suggest  carefree, ‘happy-go-lucky’ lifestyles. Those who are eluded into easy-choices and mix with the ways of the world will fail the fire test of character.  

2.     Melting: The second process is ‘melting’. Melting happens at smouldering heat. Fire does not change the character but reveals it.  Character is revealed when pressure is applied. Under the fire of an unexpected setback or a crushing disappointment our true nature is exposed. Good and evil happens to both the righteous and unrighteous. Matthew 5:45 So that you may be sons of your Father who is in Heaven. For He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. How we go through the testing will determine the grade of our testing. We can walk through either complaining, cringing and criticising or praising, trusting and refining. If we hit the rock bottom and remain there, we are only lead, but if we rise above worshipping through the illogical furnace, we will augment as shining gold.

3.     Moulding: Moulding and making is the third protocol of the process. Where we sit after melting will determine the making and moulding. The gold that rises above the lead is the precious metal of great value. The shape of our life will be determined by the place where we sit after the mixing and melting. Those who make the right choices and take the tough road to victory will become priceless and precious to God. However, those who fail in the fire test by squirming will only remain as dregs at the bottom of the melting pot, aimless, visionless and fruitless.   

In God’s training school, if we fail the fire-test of the heart, we just have to keep repeating the process of mixing, melting and moulding, until we pass.  

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, when I am put through the furnace of disappointment, derision or dissolution, help me to rise up as refined gold and purified silver. Amen

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