31 May 2021 – Tests – Part 4

John 6:6 He(Jesus) said this to test him, for He himself knew what He would do.

When Jesus saw a large crowd of over five thousand coming towards Him, He asked Philip His disciple, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” (John 6:5). Jesus did not ask Philip this question as he was bad with numbers! He asked this to test him. Intriguing questions that echo in the depth of our heart is to stir our faith and not to paralyse us with fear. Philip was thorough in his calculations and precise in budgeting. Philip answered him, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!” (John 6:7).  God will make us see the reality and analyse the possibilities before He reveals His Sovereignty. If we can trust God for the tangible then it would be easier to trust Him for the intangible, invisible and the supernatural.

When the facts weigh heavier than our faith, fear will grip our soul. Questions from the Holy Spirit, from our own human spirit or from people around us are tests to trigger our faith. Questions must activate divinity to collide with humanity to experience the impossibility.

Three tests that trigger faith:   

1.     Possibility: To probe into the different possibilities and dissect an issue is a God given gift. However, when the possibilities drown the accessibility of the potential blessings, fear and doubt clouds our minds. Looking beyond our intellect and prospects will help us to leap over our human abilities into the supernatural possibilities. The prospects of getting a pay rise, promotion or a new job could look grim during the pandemic but the questions of impossibilities must be overcome with the Word of God. The impassibility of the pandemonium can be overcome with the promises of God.

2.     Probability: Analytical, logical and diagnostic skills are God given intellect. The aptitude to systematically and methodically decipher an issue is essential to list the different probabilities of the outcome. However, if we stop with the analysis, we will get stuck in the probabilities and fail the test of faith. Defeating the prognosis of the doctor’s report with the healing Word of God will reverse the natural probability with supernatural invasion.  

3.     Probity: After decoding the possibilities and scrutinizing the probabilities, surrender to the probity of God. Jesus had five loaves and two fishes in his hands and made the crowd sit down in groups of fifty for a feast. None of the disciples questioned Him about the possibility of the banquet. They just humbly obeyed. To overcome the debasing questions of defeat, we must simply obey God’s word. He will command us to take simple baby steps of obedience.  He will prompt us to praise before a closed door. He will encourage us to press past the discouraging questions and remain subservient. Simple obedience unlocks divine blessings.    

Silence the upheaval of questions that inundate our hearts and confuse our minds. Stump over the impossibilities, probabilities and unfeasibility; overcome fear and stand on faith to pass the test.  In God’s training school, if we fail the test of faith, we just have to keep repeating and defeating reality to experience His Sovereignty, until we pass.  

Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Prayer: Abba Father, You are a God of impossibilities. May the natural possibilities or probability never mar your probity and supernatural ability in the challenges that I face. Amen

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