01 June 2021 – Tests – Part 5

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

Cosmetic or beauty salons have booths with “testers”. Women test the colour of the makeup or foundation that suits their complexion before they purchase the cosmetics. However, some decisions can be made without testing or tying. A light shaded foundation will not suit a chocolate skin tone. Similarly, if we are size 12, we will not fit into a size 8 dress. If we try a smaller size dress, we will only end up looking like a sausage! Hence what is tested and proved does not need retesting. Only the indecisive teachings, influences and controls that cross our path, must be tested.

Black or white; right or wrong is tested and proved, it is the grey areas of life that need vigilance, attention and testing. The nicotine in the smokes are injurious to health. We need not put the air sacs in our chest to test and prove that smoking damages the lungs. Whereas any philosophy, philanthropy or opinion must be pondered and discerned. The best psychologist who will instil perspicacity in us is the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Jesus).

Three areas to be tested and proved:   

1.     Mind: The message, music and mission that the mind meditates on must be tested. Where the mind goes, the man goes. Before we try to regulate our steps, we must learn to renew our thoughts.  Test if the seed of thought has life to produce, create or invigorate – newness, novelty and innovation. If the rumination of the mind is futile, filthy or frenzy then, they are only husks and not life-giving seeds. Burn the chaff with the power and under the fire of the Holy Spirit. Test and renew your mind every day.

2.     Mates: Test if your mates invest wisdom, value and virtue into your life.  Meetings, gatherings and get-togethers must add insight, self-worth and strong character trait. Our time with friends must be fruitful, profitable and rewarding. Intoxicated, inebriated and indulgent conversations under the influence of substance might appear to be entertaining but will plummet our progress. Proverbs 18:24a One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin. Test the influencers in your life, regularly.

3.     Money: How we view and value money will determine the trajectory of our life. Money is only a commodity. It is a means to meet our ends but God is the source. But remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). We must never value our job more than Jesus. It is important to strive hard to be an excellent performer at work but if our job steals our prayer time with God, then money has taken the place of the Maker. Test the control that money, career or wealth has on you.     

Learn from others mistakes. Life is too short to make them all yourself.” What is proved to be wrong, erroneous or immoral need not be tested, tried or evaluated. Only test check the meditation of the mind, conversations with your comrades and the control of money, every day.  In God’s training school, if we fail the ‘test of influence’, we just have to keep repeating the ‘ruminations, relationships and riches tests’ until we pass.  

Ecclesiastes 5:10 Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I surrender my mind, mates and money to be under your direction, control and influence. Set me free from compelling habits, misleading friendships and the greed of money. Amen

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