02 June 2021 – Tests – Part 6

Galatians 4:4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son.

African elephants have the longest gestation period followed by the Asian Elephants. This mammal’s pregnancy lasts for 645 days as compared to the human gestation period of 280 days. If 9 months of pregnancy is long enough, imagine 21.5 months with 7 month of nauseating first trimester! On the contrary, a butterfly takes 9 to 14 days to transform from a caterpillar into a pretty butterfly. The average lifespan for the majority of species of butterflies are only two to four weeks whereas the lifespan of an African elephant averages up to 47.5 years.

Prophecies and promises are powerful seeds that impregnates us with Godly vision. Some birth elephants whereas others birth butterflies! Obviously, the gestation for the seed of God’s Word to grow and birth will determine the longevity of the promise. The time clock for the test of time clocks-in with the impregnation of the Word. Test of time is the most difficult test to pass as waiting, stillness and silence are the most difficult commands to obey. The fruition and posterity of what is being birthed will be dependent on the duration and the gestation of the promise/prophecy.  

Three stages of the test of time:   

1.     Duration: When God gives us a promise He does not tell us how long we would have to wait. Time is God’s bridle to tame our impatient human mind. Waiting is not an option, how we wait is a choice we make. We can wait mourning, complaining or regretting. Many have even aborted their promises by bickering, whining and rebelling. The duration of the pregnancy of the promise will determine the lifespan, effectiveness and enormity of the promise.  So, the longer the duration, the larger the size!   

2.     Gestation: Humanity was impregnated with the promise of the arrival of Jesus for 4,000 years. It took 40 centuries to birth the Saviour of the world. Abraham and Sarah’s gestation period was 25 years but they birthed a nation, not a son. Hannah’s gestation was around 20 years, to birth a prophet. Is there a delay in the promises and prophecies you have received? Be rest assured that a nation or a prophet is in the making. Enrich your gestation period. Nurture the promise and prophecy by reiterating it every day. Affirm, declare and pronounce it over yourself. The longer the gestation period, the bigger the blessing.  

3.     Fruition: Jesus came at the fulfilment of time. He came to die a gruesome death that was executed by the Romans. The Jews did not kill their criminals by crucifixion, however, the cross was the prophetic pathway and the road to redeem humanity. Hence the birth of Jesus was strategically timed during the Roman rule. If God has spoken a word over us we must feed and foster the promise/prophecy to fruition. Delay is not denial; it is only a sign to exponential, substantial and sequential growth. The test of time is the test of patience, poise and persistence to birth the impregnated provision into fruition.   

Strive to birth elephants, not just butterflies.  In God’s training school, if we fail the ‘test of time’, we just have to keep repeating the ‘pregnancy test’ until we pass.  

Psalms 31:15 My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I submit to patiently plough into the promises and prophecies that you have impregnated me with. My times are in your hands. Amen

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