05 June 2021 – Bad Boys – Part 2

Matthew 3:8 Therefore produce fruit consistent with repentance.

Lack of pollination, poor quality of soil or over pruning could leave the fruit trees unproductive. To boost a bumper crop, fruit trees need tender care. Lack of pollination can be corrected by building a hedge around the fruit trees. Also timely fertilisers to improve the condition of the soil and careful and calculative pruning will result in improving the fruitfulness of the tree.

John the Baptist (JB) was the prophet who introduced us to the concept of “water baptism”. He was like the pilot vehicle that went before the arrival of the president(Jesus). John was born six months before Jesus to prepare the way for the Saviour of the world. He preached to the people who were like unproductive trees to bear fruits of repentance. The Pharisees and Sadducees who were proud of their immense knowledge of the scriptures and the meticulous spiritual ritualistic practices also took the baptism of repentance.  JB addressed them as ‘brood of vipers’ or “a family huddle of venomous snakes”!  The Pharisees and Sadducees were the teachers of law and  the wealthy corrupt rulers who were hypocritical, legalistic and deceitful. JB warned these frauds to bear the fruit of repentance. Nicodemus was one of the few Pharisees who relented traditions to cling to the truth while his other counterparts conspired the crucifixion of Jesus.

Three evidential fruits of repentance:   

1.     Pollinate: There must be pollination before the produce. The marvellous process of pollination is the process of the bees sucking the nectar from the flowers and carrying the pollen from one flower to the other, thereby fertilizing and pollinating. Fruit of repentance will be evident when the bee stings make us productive and not poisonous. Stings of sarcasm, cynicism or slander will test the taste of the fruit that we produce. When we are under the pump are we pollinating or polluting?   

2.     Prune: Pruning increases produce. JB was warning the astringent and arrogant self-righteous preachers that they are like overgrown, unkempt, infertile trees. JB rightly addressed them as sons of vipers and Jesus also backed-up JB’s judgement about the corrupt leadership. So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach (Matthew 23:3). When under the pruning knife are we able to practice what we preach?  

3.     Produce: The choices we make will determine our fruitfulness. For they hated knowledge and chose not to fear the Lord. 30 They rejected my advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. 31 Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way (Proverbs 1:29-31). If a tree is malnourished, the produce will be tasteless and flavourless. Similarly, if our soul is starved our fruit will be sour and seedless. The choices we make will determine the quality of our life and fruitfulness. When under pressure are we able to choose righteousness over deceitfulness?         

The product of repentance will speak for itself. The historian Josephus states that Nicodemus was exterminated from the Sanhedrin because he stepped out of rituals to pursue righteousness. If there was hope for the bad boys – the masquerades, the Pharisees and Sadducees, there is hope for you and me.

Matthew 12:33 “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit”.

Prayer: Abba Father, be my Gardener, prune me and prepare me for pollination and a bumper produce. I want to live a fruitful, fertile and fulfilling life.  Amen

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