07 June 2021 – Bad Boys – Part 4

Judges 15:20 Samson led Israel for twenty years in the days of the Philistines.

The Angel of the Lord came down to announce the miraculous birth of Samson to a barren Israelite woman and her husband Manoah. The couple received clear directions about the divine destination of the child. She was not allowed to drink wine or fermented drinks or eat anything that comes from grapevine as this child was ordained to be the Judge of Israel. Grapes are not recommended for pregnant women because they contain resveratrol, a toxic compound that could cause poisoning or other pregnancy complications. The Spirit of the Lord was upon Samson and he ruled Israel for 20 years. The power of God empowered him every time he was attacked and he was able to subdue the oppressive enemy.

The supernatural power of God made Samson tear a lion apart like a young goat (Judges 14:6). With a fresh jawbone of a donkey he struck down thousand Philistines who attacked him (Judges 15:15). At a place called Lehi while Samson was dying of thirst, the Lord opened a spring of water to revive his strength (Judges 15:19). Yet, “it is not how we start the race but how we finish that matters. After 20 prolific years as the judge of Israel, he destroyed his destiny by the misuse of power by feeding his pride, plush and pleasure.

Three lessons from the failure of Samson:

1.     Pleasure: When pleasure overtakes purpose, there will be misuse of power. After twenty years in authority, Samson went astray to seek the pleasure of prostitutes. When promiscuity became a regular practice he sold himself and His supernatural strength to a hooker named Delilah. Character flaw was the cause of his failure. “A man without character cannot reign because power apart from character is satanic – Rev. William Branham. When pleasure controls power, strength becomes our weakness.     

2.     Perversion: When perversion corrupts principles, power will be abused. God gave Samson three chances to break free from the bondage of promiscuity. The prostitute Delilah tried to suck the secret of Samson’s supernatural strength but he lied to her three times. However, she nagged and vexed him to death until he blurted out the truth. Perversion was like slow poison that morphed the principles of honesty and integrity out of his life. Perversion is not a weakness but an eroding agent of principles by the misuse of power.

3.     Pride: When pride supersedes passion, there will be misuse of power. Repeated visits to the prostitute numbed the sensitivity to sin. Samson went back to rest on the lap that laid a trap for his life again and again until pride blinded his responsibility and his passion. Pride will make us insensitive, irresponsible and insensible. Pride of his supernatural strength blinded him to entrust the Godly power to a perverted prostitute.

Samson’s eyes were gouged out and he was brought out to entertain the crowd that celebrated his downfall at the temple of Dagon. Samson cried out to the Lord one last time for his strength to be returned and the Lord heard him!  He pushed the central pillars of the temple and killed over three thousand Philistines (rulers & common people) who had gathered to mock him. If there was hope for the bad boy Samson – the promiscuous, prideful pervert, there is hope for you and me.

Judges 16:30b He(Samson) killed many more when he died than while he lived.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I humble myself and rededicate my God-given gifts, talents and powers to establish your kingdom. Lord have your way in me, Amen

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