09 June 2021 – Bad Boys – Part 6

Psalms 51:4 “Against you, and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight.”

In a monarchy, the king or the queen was the head of the country and he/she was the key to establish and enforce law and order. Justice rested on the shoulders of the monarch. Theocracy is a form of government in which religious leaders act in the place of God to rule the state. The rulership of King David was a combination of monarchy and theocracy.  King David was not just a politician; He was an artist, composer, musician, worship leader and a poet. A combination of priestly and kingly anointing rested on David. The throne of David established a theocratic-monarchy rulership.  However, the great king stumbled over a small pebble of lust and fell into adultery, conspiracy and murder.

David coveted Uriah’s wife Bathsheba when he was lazing on the palace roof top. Then he sent a word to enquire about her before he committed adultery with her. 1 Samuel 11:27 But the thing David had done displeased the Lord. In modern day terminology, he visited pornographic websites, sent dirty text messages and fell into sexual immorality. Two absolutes in God’s judiciary are holiness and righteousness.   Songs, linguistics, semantics or flamboyant worship could not suppress the swelter of sin of David.  

God’s measures of correction, chastisement and calibration:

1.     Privacy:  There is no “privacy policy” for sins in God’s Kingdom .  God brought the private sin of David and displayed it publically. God sent prophet Nathan to rebuke David – 1 Samuel 12: 9 Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes?. Nothing misses the eyes of God. Our silly thoughts, sycophancy and spirit of stupor are not hidden from the Lord.

2.     Secrecy:  God is not good at maintaining secrecy over our unconfessed sins. Luke 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. No one can fool God. Government systems, judiciary or law enforcement  can be fooled, but God cannot be duped. Any sin that is not confessed, repented and corrected before God will eventually sting our reputation. Only sins that have been washed by the blood of Jesus will be forgotten.

3.     Publicity: There must be congruence between our public life and private entertainment. “What we do in public determines our reputation but what we do in private determines our character” – Max Andreas.  Furthermore, it is the discipline in our private life that will determine the longevity of the public reputation. When the patience and the compassion of God are violated, private sins will be displayed publicly.  

Only sins that are renounced and regretted will be repealed.  When King David was reproached he repented for his sins and recited Psalm 51 publically. Repentance restored his relationship with the Lord and Jesus, the King of Kings called himself as the “Son of David” six times throughout the gospel.   If there was hope for the bad boy David – the adulterer, conspirator and  murderer there is hope for you and me.

Isaiah 1:18 “Even though your sins are like scarlet, they’ll be white like snow.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive the secret sins of my mind, meditation and insolent actions. I confess that there is no private, secret or known sin in my life.  Amen

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