13 June 2021 – Peek into Heaven – Part 3

John 1:51  Jesus then added, “Very truly I tell you (Nathanael), you will see ‘Heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

Nathaneal was a disciple of Jesus who earnestly desired divine blessings. During the three and half years of ministry journey, Nathaneal witnessed the celestial courier angels ascending with the petitions of Jesus and descending with responses from the Father. When Jesus looked up to Heaven and blessed the five loafs and two fishes, it multiplied to feed a village. Jesus looked up to Heaven and prayed loudly before calling the dead body of Lazarus out of the tomb. There is a wing of courier angels in the cosmos who are employed to collect our prayers and come back with answers, solutions and responses.

Hence one of the activities of Heaven is the two-way traffic from the terrestrial to the celestial. Revelation 8:3 Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. These courier angels carry the prayer packages and drop them in to a golden censer. The golden censer full of prayers of the saints that are presented to the King of Kings.  However, not all prayers, petition and perturbations reach the golden censer. The prayer package must be addressed to King Jesus; paid with the divine currency and sealed with His promises.       

Prayer packages that will be picked up by the courier angels:

1.     Contact: All courier parcels must be named and addressed to be accepted by any courier agent.  Jesus is the way, the path and the stairway to reach the gateway of Heaven. There are courier angels waiting to collect our prayers made in the name of Jesus and carry them to our Father in Heaven. John 14:14 If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it. Prayer packages in any other name will not reach the golden prayer censer.       

2.     Cost: The cost for our prayer package is already paid by Jesus on the cross. We just have to search the scriptures for ‘promise stamps’ and affix them on the parcel. DHL will not accept our parcels with FedEx stamps on it. Similarly, prayer parcels must be stamped with sincerity, faith and humility not rituals, traditions and rites. Seal your parcel with love, worship, purity and the promises from God’s Word.                                                                                                                                              .

3.     Carrier: Choosing the right carrier will determine the safety and the delivery of the parcel. There are international carriers who provide surety of the timely delivery and track and trace services. Similarly, once we deliver the prayer parcel into the hands of the divine delivery agents, there is no need to stress or stifle about the petition. Once our prayers are picked up by the angelic agents, there will be a peace that surpasses human understanding that will rule our hearts and minds.  

Pious prayers open the divine stairway to peek into Heaven. Check if the prayer package is addressed to Jesus; confirm that it is sealed with His blood and is delivered to divine angelic courier agents. A peek into the Heavenlies will trace and track the courier packages.

Genesis 28:12 He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to Heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Teach me the secrets to connect with the celestial and the angelic courier agents. Amen

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