15 June 2021 – Peek into Heaven – Part 5

Luke 10:20 Rejoice that your names are recorded in Heaven.”

Heaven has a massive library of shelves, racks and archives of books, records and registers. Jesus talks about a birth register in which our names are recorded in Heaven, when we accept Him as our Lord and King. This birth register is also called the “book of life”. Revelation 20:15 if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. The first book that will be opened when we reach the gate of Heaven is the book of life. There are also “book of prophecy and purpose” for each one of us Psalm 139:16 And in your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. This is the blueprint of God’s plan and vision for our lives even before we were planted as a tiny dot in our mother’s womb. There is also a “book of remembrance” that records our conversations, communications and chatters. Malachi 3:16 Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on His name. Heaven holds physical records, sonographic and photographic recordings, pictures, videos and digitalised detailed documentations about our life!

Three ignored truths about the digitalised diaries of Heaven:

1.     Record: The book of life grants us citizenship to the cosmos of Heaven. If we are citizens of a country we do not need a visa. Citizens have no travel restrictions (pre-COVID). Hence, our names registered in the book of life give us free entry into the Heavenly Kingdom. Our citizenship is granted by being born into the family of Christ. No other eligibility criteria will qualify us for citizenship into this divine domain. Is your name in the book of life?     

2.     Remembrance: Our conversations are recorded, replayed and remembered in Heaven. Heaven discusses our discussions!  The book of remembrance is like an accounting ledger. The good, encouraging and righteous conversations are recorded as credits; Deleterious, damaging and detrimental slanders are debits. Jesus said, I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak (Matthew 12:36). The words of a child of God have creative or destructive power, so, our conversations are voice recorded in Heaven and will be used as evidence on the day of judgement. Are our conversations repeatable?                                                                                                                             .

3.     Reward: There will be graduation, award and reward ceremonies when we reach Heaven. “If you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded” (Matthew 10:42). Many believe that if their good works outweigh their bad they would reach Heaven. Good works only bring reward, recompense and returns when we reach Heaven. The swipe card that opens the door to Heaven is our birth certificate and citizenship granted to those who put their faith in the Saviour who died on the cross of Calvary.    

There are several other scrolls, seals, books, records, diaries and registers in Heaven. A peek into the Heavenlies will alert us about the registers, records and rewards that are awaiting for us.

Daniel 10:21 First I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth.

Prayer: Our Dear Heavenly Father, I rejoice that my name is in the book of life. I endeavour to have productive conversations that would be recorded in the book of remembrance and strive for eternal rewards. Amen

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