16 June 2021 – Peek into Heaven – Part 6

Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

Heaven is not a mystical, magical cloud but a real universe! It is a tangible cosmos with foundations, walls and cities. The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. 19 The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone (Revelation 21:18-19). Heaven has a multitude of angelic soldiers but no violence or crime. It has an established government, regime and administration yet no bribe, injustice or bigotry. There are no hospitals, rest homes and hospice as there is no sickness, virus or disease. Most importantly there will be no wailing, mourning, crying or cemeteries, as there is no death in Heaven! The old order or the “ways of the fallen world” is not prevalent in Heaven. Godly ordinance of honour, orderliness and tranquillity permeates the atmosphere of the Heavenlies.

The worldly order of  weakness, sin, transgression and curse; sickness, pain and ailments or birth ending in death will be absent in Heaven. In Heaven, the old order of things has passed away.

Three prominent things under the new divine order in Heaven:

1.     Cry: Crying is a result of an emotional, physical or a psychological pain which causes shedding of tears. Crying is normally a mixed feeling of anger, irritation, sadness due to loss. There is no crying, cringing or cursing in Heaven. There will be no sorrow, suffering or sickness in Heaven. Through the cross of Calvary Jesus opened the door to a tear-free, trouble-free, treachery-free universe called Heaven.        

2.     Crime: Poverty, inequality, misuse of power, politics, parental neglect, abuse of substance is only the inexhaustible list of the causes of crime. Heaven will have no lack, no disparity, racial discrimination, differences of caste, sex or race, classism or prejudice. The fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars (Revelation 21:8) will not be found in Heaven.  Through the cross, Jesus paved the way to a crime-free, criticism-free and cruelty-free ethos of peace, rejoicing and ecstasy.                                                                                                      .

3.     Cemetery: About 1% of the world’s land is occupied by the dead. Many countries have run out of space for cemeteries. However, The real estate of Heaven does not have lots allocated for cemeteries. In Heaven, the philosophy of ‘death’ is absent as the phenomenon of ‘end’ is non-existent. The criminal saw eternity and not “the end” in the butchered face of Jesus, hence he pleaded, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom (Luke 23:42). Jesus took the penitent criminal with Him to Paradise. Death is not the end for the children of God, it is only the conduit that transitions us from our temporary address to our permanent eternal home called ‘Heaven’.    

Many live under the misconception that the earth is their eternal home or that there is no life after death. Eternal life begins the moment we close our eyes in death. A peek into the Heavenlies will erase the fears of death and excite us about our permanent home with no crime, curse or chaos.  

Luke 23:43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for opening the door of Heaven for a sinner like me through your death on the cross where I will be free from pain, purged from sin and worldly perturbations. Amen

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