26 June 2021 – Pets & Predators – Part 2

Exodus 23:28 I will send hornets before you, which shall drive out the Hivites, the Canaanites, and the Hittites from before you.

Hornets are nearly five times the size of an European bee. Their sheer size and power means that one giant hornet can kill roughly 40 bees in a minute. Hornets are called “gentle-giants” but they can be dangerous. The venom of a sting can be very harmful and even fatal. Hornets release more venom per sting than any other stinging insect. They are passive-aggressive and will attack only if threatened to defend themselves. These peaceful creatures shouldn’t be messed with as their long stinger and venom that contains powerful chemicals can cause havoc to human tissue and nervous systems. They live in colonies and if a hornet is killed near the nest it will send signals to its huddle and will attract other hornets to that specific location.

The New York Times in May 2020 published an article on giant Asian hornets as “Murder Hornets” that had killed up to 50 people in Japan. The Lord God sent these gentle-giants to drive out the lethal gigantic giants in the land that was promised by an oath to Abraham’s descendants. God transformed a bunch of peaceable gentle-giant hornets into a powerful troop of soldiers with deadly stings.            

Three lessons from the passive pets that turned into predators:

1.     Size: Size doesn’t matter to God, only obedience does. The Canaanites were giants who descended from Anak (Joshua 15:13). The Hebrew slaves did not have the strength, swords nor size to fight the giants but the Lord sent the giant hornets instead to combat the colossus. Against the current day Canaanite giant of COVID, cancer and chaos that is consuming our News headlines, God will send hornets to combat for His covenant children.

2.     Skill: God does not need our skills but our submission to His Word. God used the gentle hornet’s defensive weapon to dispossess the giants in the Promised Land. The Word of God is like a stinger to the demonic dangerous world. To drive out ginormous giants of fear, anxiety and depression, all we need to do is use the “bullet sting” – the Word of God. Hornets, unlike bees, can repeatedly sting. The stingers of the hornets are strong and do not break out after a sting. Sting the demonic forces of darkness with God’s word. Demons dread the venom that we inject when we repeatedly proclaim, profess and confess the Word of God against them.   

3.     Synchronize: Hornets are shy, passive and peaceable insects but are synchronized in their operation. As such, they are capable of summoning an entire-nest attack in defence of their home! We cannot go into battle alone. We must be united, organised and synergized in spiritual battles. Corporate and family prayers are as important as our personal disciple of prayer to win fierce battles. One will chase a thousand demons but two will chase ten thousand when the Lord God is the Commander-in-Chief of the convoy (Deuteronomy 32:30).  

Our size, skill or stature are immaterial to God. Only our surrender, submission and synchronization to His ways, will and voice matter. If God can use hornets, He can use you and me to chase the demonic giants.

Joshua 24:12 Then I sent the hornet before you and it drove out the two kings of the Amorites from before you, but not by your sword or your bow.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me to bullet sting and drive out the demonic giants that intimidate, petrify and terrorise me. Amen

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