30 June 2021 – Pets & Predators – Part 6

1 Samuel 17:34-35 David said to Saul, “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it.

The bear kills its prey by biting it in the neck or back. It can also incapacitate the prey by striking with its powerful forepaw, which is often enough to break the animal’s spine. David went against a 800 pound bear and rescued his little sheep from its mouth. David was a valiant and valorous warrior however, tackling a bear would have needed niche skills and enormous courage and tenacity.

In a predatory attack it is a matter of life and death. David put his life in jeopardy to save his sheep. We are constantly attacked by demonic beasts and bears that come to steal our precious priced possessions. Sheep was not only David’s livelihood but also his pride and pet. (The Israelites had lambs and ewes as pets, not cats and dogs). Demons in the Bible are often described as beasts. Demons attack us with their mouths (like bears) by whispering, discouraging and defeating thoughts of doubt, shame and failures. If we entertain the demeaning noise, they will grab us with their paws.

Three tricks to tackle and slaughter the beastly predatory bear attacks:

1.     Hunt: David attacked the beast by grabbing it by its hair and striking at the most sensitive areas to kill it. The most sensitive areas of a bear would be around the nose and eyes. David would have smacked the face, smashing the eyes and nose. The simple strategy to silence the demons who spit lies and licentious ideas into our ears is by punching them on their face. Demons tremble at the name of Jesus. The trick to hunt the demons that come to bite us is by knocking them down with the name and the blood of Jesus.   

2.     Hair: The fur around the shoulders and throat is particularly long, and their ears are relatively large. Gripping on the fur around the throat would have been the technique of David to release the lamb from the mouth of the bear. Our reflex reaction to the demonic attacks should be like David’s rescue tactics. When the foul mouthed demons open their mouths, grab them by their neck. Demons cannot stand Bible verses. When they spew derogatory names or demeaning deliberations, we must repeat the promises from the Word of God and strangle the throat of these relentless beasts.

3.     Hammer: David struck the beasts on the face. Striking is as important as grabbing and gripping. If we fail to strike they will bite. Often the bear will also bite its prey in the snout, which leaves deep canine marks that are clearly visible. God’s Word is like a hammer. Jeremiah 23:29 “Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces? Strike the demons again and again by repeating the Word of God.    

Attack the spiritual beasts and bears that come to steal our sheep, sleep, and sanctity. Punch them repeatedly on their face with the Word of God.

James 4:7 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Prayer: Holy Spirit teach me to use your Word as a sword to strike the destructive demonic beasts and bears that attack my purity, peace and probity. Amen

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