01 July 2021 – Pets & Predators – Part 7

Exodus 19:4 You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.

Eagles are the most powerful birds on earth. They have extremely powerful vision which are designed for long-distance focus with colour vision and high resolution clarity. An eagle’s talons are its greatest asset. Their talons are razor sharp and super strong. Without them, they wouldn’t be nearly as successful at hunting and capturing prey. They are born hunters. This instinct is innate in eagles and does not have to be taught to juvenile eagles. The long and wide wings of the eagle help them soar and glide effortlessly.              

The wings of an eagle epitomize the protective wings of the Lord when the Israelites were delivered from Egypt. The powerless and penny-less slaves were carried out of bondage by the Lord as an eagle carries it’s young on its wings. Eagles are the only birds of prey that don’t look back over their shoulders as they are fearless and have no predators who intimidate them. When we are on the shoulders of the Most Powerful God, there will be no fear, no turning back and no defeat.

Three lessons from the King of the Bird Kingdom – Eagles:

1.     Aerial:  Height is the main advantage for eagles. When they soar far above the open land or perch high up in a tree, they are able to get a wider view of the territory without alerting their prey. Prayer is the long wide wings that give us a lift from the terrestrial and enlarges our aerial vision. On the wings of prayer we will be able to view our path and predators with clarity on high resolution binoculars and spiritual discernment. We can capitalise the time spent in regret, remorse and resentment when our souls are airlifted on the eagle wings of prayer and praise.

2.     Accuracy: Most humans have 20/20 vision, eagles are blessed with an astounding 20/5 vision. That means that what looks sharp and clear to us at 5 feet is just as clear to an eagle from 20 feet away. Authentic prayer increases our spiritual accuracy and wisdom exceptionally and exponentially. Prayer refocuses us from distractions and fine tunes our spiritual vision. Eagles can see its prey from about two miles away and can grab, pierce and mutilate the prey into pieces. A person with a dedicated prayer life can accurately spot the lurking demonic intervention from a distance and crush its head.

3.     Ascend: Eagles ascend to about 10,000 to 12,000 feet. They fly fearlessly as there are no predators at that altitude. Eagles pick up snakes with their sharp talons and while fighting with the striking snakes they ascend to a height that suffocates the snake. Eagles don’t fight snakes on the ground and we don’t fight demons with our flesh. We must ascend on the prayer mountain and fight our battles on our knees. Eagles kill their prey by ‘trampling’ them with their sharp claws and dismembering it. We have the spiritual authority and the razor-sharp talons to trample over snakes and scorpions.     

Ascend up the prayer mountain on eagle wings, sharpen your eyes to 20/5 vision as the eyes of the eagle and fight your battles at a spiritual altitude and with Godly attitude where the demonic enemy will be suffocated and crushed to death.

Psalms 24:1 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I devote myself to a disciplined prayer life that strengthens my wings, sharpens my eyes and talons to defeat the enemy. Amen

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