02 July 2021 – Secrets – Part 1

Mark 4:22: “For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light.”

There are no secrets that time does not reveal. The hidden secrets are the hamstrings that direct our destiny. Our secret habits (good or bad), will decide our future. The weakness ofJudas the Iscariot was with money. Judas was not a born betrayer. John 12:6 He was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it. Jesus was fully aware of Judas pilfering collections, yet, He permitted him to be appointed as the “Treasurer of the team” just to give him opportunities to overcome his weakness. A flaw should never be neglected. A repeated error becomes a habit and eventually forms our character. Open doors are not opportunities to sin but to uproot weakness. Little secrets grow up into big lies. The pleasure of an occasional pickpocket grew into frequent pilferage only to tag Judas as a thief and a traitor.

Secrets grow. Grown secrets cannot be hidden. Annoyance, anger and intolerance can hide behind the painted facade only until it grows into bitterness, resentment and astringent. Judas was the detractor who damaged the reputation of Mary for her noble deed as he calculated the percentage of bribe that he had lost by her random act of worship. There are no secrets in life, just hidden truth that lies beneath the surface. The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine –  Mike Murdock.

Secrets hidden drive our direction:

1.     Armoury: Our inner man is armed with the secrets that we hold. Lying thoughts, wicked plots, corrupt ways, dirty hands, filthy mouths will clothe the soul with “weapons of darkness”, – plastic helmet, synthetic shield, slippery shoes and a sharp sword like tongue that will damage, destroy, defame others and demolish our future. On the contrary, the armour of God will shield us, shelter our future and shepherd others. Put on armoury of light, not  weapons of darkness.

2.     Alcove: Judas had greed, bribery and corruption hidden in the alcoves of his heart that ultimately burst  into betrayal, treachery and perfidy. It is only a matter of time until the hidden seeds of sins and secrets are exposed. Secret sins are like a pregnant woman. She will soon show and be ready to deliver! Psalms 119:11 I have hidden your words in my heart that I shall not sin against you. Memorising God’s Word will print truth on the tablets of our heart.  Hide His word in the alcoves of your heart.

3.     Anchor: Secrets are like anchors that will stop our progress. Anchored boats do not move. The anchors of the past, pettiness or pilferage; envy, comparison, complex will keep us stuck in sullenness, soreness or slander. Pressure on hidden secrets will cause mental breakdown. Secrets kill enthusiasm, promote criticism and drain energy. Be anchored in the truth.          

Hidden secrets will drive our emotions, direct our passion and determine our destination. Anchor yourself in the Word of God, inscribe His promises in the alcoves of your heart, arm yourself with the weaponry of light and not with dark deep destructive secrets.  Hidden secrets are the hamstrings that direct our destiny.

Hebrew 4:13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.

Prayer: Father of Lights, there is nothing hidden from you. All my secrets are displayed on all the channels on Heaven’s HD TV. So, fill me with light inside out and let me radiate your light to the world. Amen

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