06 July 2021 – Secrets – Part 5

Joshua 2:4 But the woman (Rahab) had taken the two men and hidden them.

Joshua sent two of his men who were filled with Godly vision and passion on the very important mission to spy the city of Jericho. The people of Jericho were already trembling with terror about the half a million Israelites who were lurking in the outskirts of their city. The news about the God of the Israelites splitting the Red Sea for His people to cross on dry land and the victory over the Amorite Kings melted their hearts away in fear. The incredible victories over these powerful kings were the ‘talk of the town’. The house of the prostitute was in the prime ‘red light area’ of Jericho. She lived on the city walls so, if there was an attack, her family would be the first victims. When the spies knocked at her door for asylum, it was her opportunity to set right the “wrongs” in her life. The social media of her time was blasting the headlines that the gods of Egyptians and Amorites had failed them hence, she was certain that the Canaanite (her) gods were too fallible and frail to face the God of the Israelites. So, Rahab did not hide the spies, she hid the miracles of the God of Israel in her heart. The secrets hidden in our hearts and homes are the hamstrings for future prospects and promotion.   

The effects of hidden secrets of the heart:

1.     Protects: Even though Rahab lived in a time and society that undervalued women and misused them as objects of pleasure, she had secret dreams about her future, hidden in her heart. No matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid – Lupita Nyong’o. Rahab used the opportunity of sheltering the spies in her home to leverage her dream. The secrets in the heart of the hooker saved her and her family. Joshua 2:12 please swear to me by the Lord that you will show kindness to my family, because I have shown kindness to you. Hidden divine secrets protect the future prospects.  

2.     Preserve: Rahab’s house was a pleasure hub. Hence, when the spies entered the house of Rahab she was not misunderstood as a traitor but the news about the secret agents under Rahab’s roof wafted to the ears of the city officials. Rahab put her life on the line and preserved the spies as she was certain that safeguarding the spies would change her future propensity and profession. “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.” – Nelson Mandela. Heavenly perspicacity preserves your future.

3.     Promotes: Rahab did not just escape death but experienced a dramatic lifestyle change. She went into a community that accepted her and gave her a decent status as a wife and woman. A prostitute was promoted to become the wife of Salmon and her name appears in the genealogy of Jesus Christ! Life is never made unbearable by circumstances but only by lack of meaning and purpose – Viktor Frankl. Hidden purpose will publicize itself in promotions.  

Nurture purpose in discipline and daily routine and it will demonstrate itself in promotion, productivity and potent. Rahab did not hide the spies, she hid purpose, prospects and promotion. Hiding divine secrets brings elevation; flaunting about dreams destroys it.

Joshua 2:11 When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in Heaven above and on the earth below

Prayer: Heavenly Father, May each day I live on the face of the earth be purposeful, fruitful and meaningful. Amen

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