10 July 2021 – Back-story – Part 2

Deuteronomy 8:18 But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth.

In 1945, Percy Spencer, an American self-taught Engineer, stumbled into an invention that has become an inevitable essential in the kitchen of every home. One day while working near the magnetrons (an electron tube for generating microwaves) that produced microwaves, Spencer noticed that the peanut butter candy bar in his pocket had begun to melt. He ventured into investigating the melting chocolate and accidentally invented the extremely versatile kitchen appliance, the microwave oven! Spencer did not ignore the intriguing incident. He pondered, researched and invented. It would be more appropriate to say that the microwave oven was not an accidental invention but an incidental finding of an intentional elucidation of a self-educated engineer.

Just like Spencer, Moses had a weird experience in the wilderness which turned into a wonderful Godly encounter. He saw a green bush on fire but it wasn’t burning. He got closer to the Holy fire that ignited flames of Godly passion and set his purpose alight. There are no accidents in the Bible – only incidents that turn into miraculous events.  The back-story of Moses on the backside of the mountain launched him into his calling to deliver the half a million Hebrew slaves in Egypt.

The back-story of accidents are only incidents that launch us into prudence and purpose:

1.  Enquire: When Spencer’s dessert melted in his pocket, it did not irritate him but intrigued  him. Enquire into the encounters that disrupt, detours or disturbs. If you notice a pattern or a peculiar repetitive incident / accident, don’t brush it aside as a rare event. We don’t have to trace back every tumble however, if there is a trail of repetitive occurrence or unusual episodes, enquire with the Lord in fasting and pray. The melting candy caught the attention of Spencer and birthed the incredible invention. God uses the incidents that melt and break us to get our attention to break curses.      

2.  Enrol: Spencer did not have a formal engineering degree. He was a self-taught engineer. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar to understand God’s plan for your life. Enrol in the school of the Holy Ghost. Enrolment is open now and the classes start early every morning. Isaiah 50:4 The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. Enrolling in the early morning Bible class with the World’s Best Tutor “the Holy Spirit” will enlighten us in the Word and decipher the world (carnality) from us.   

3.  Energise: Spencer did not become a world famous inventor of the extremely useful modern appliance overnight. He invested into his interest and pursued his passion. Everyone is blessed with unique talents, gifts or skills. We might not have the aptitude of our sibling, neighbour or colleague but we are distinct and exceptional in our own way. The passion that is embedded in us embryonically must be developed, fuelled and energised to grow into a Godly mission.     

There are no accidents in our lives, only intriguing incidents that commission us into our calling. Enquire, enrol and energise to enthral your passion.

Luke 9:62 “No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I commit to give my time, energy and talents to fulfil your vision in my life. Make me a useful tool in your Kingdom. Amen

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