11 July 2021 – Back-story – Part 3

John 9:2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”.

Fanny Crosby (March 24, 1820 – February 12, 1915)  the blind American missionary, poet, lyricist, and composer wrote almost 8,000 hymns, some of which are the most cherished hymns in the Christian world even today. She lived as a legend and pioneered positivity and productivity despite her physical disability. Some of her classics include “Blessed Assurance”, “Safe in the Arms of Jesus”  and “To God be the Glory”. God does not make mistakes, He only makes masterpieces.

Attitude is the prophet of your future – John C Maxwell. Many seek asylum for their dysfunction under the adversities of life. Misbehaviour is not caused by the mishaps but our attitude towards the tumultuous tornados. Disorders will become a disadvantage only if we dwell on it. Disappointments will derail our course only if it damages our vision. Derision can cause depression only if we allow regret to invade our thoughts. Crosby lost her sight to an eye infection and medical ignorance at the age of six weeks but she only lost her eye sight not her vision. Joseph (Genesis 37-50) was diabolically stripped away from the care of his father, stigmatized with a crime that he did not commit and was misused by his friends yet, his attitude remained unaltered until the prophecy was fulfilled. Bad things happen to good people, but it is not God who wills it. Attitude towards your failure will determine the altitude of your future.

Our attitude towards our back-story will make us history-makers and destiny-breakers:

1.   Legend: The blindness of Crosby did not stop her from blooming. One of her first recorded poems at the age of 8 echoed her positive attitude – “Oh, what a happy soul I am, Although I cannot see! I am resolved that in this world contented I will be.” Joseph, who was betrayed by his brothers, did not carry bitterness; rather, he told them after 20 years, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done” (Genesis 50:20). Bad attitude is like a flat tire, it can’t get you very far. Legend makers are optimistic.       

2.   LinguisticPeople may hear your words but they feel your attitude – John C Maxwell. The tiffany of God’s presence can be tangibly felt even today when we sing the song “Blessed Assurance”. The chorus, “This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour all the daylong” reflect the godliness of the blind liturgist. Similarly, at any pitch, there was not a pinch of resentment, towards God or the brothers that can be noticed in the life of Joseph. Liturgy of love promotes positivity.    

3.   Legacy: Crosby was a proud student of New York Institute for Special Education. She learnt to play many instruments and travelled around the country performing and raising awareness of education for the blind. She progressed in her career as a prolific songwriter and speaker and chose to dedicate her life to help the poor and the needy. Joseph on the other hand, saved the world with prophetic and political influence. Legacy makers are heroic influencers.   

Attitude oxidizes a bad story into a dynamic back-story to inculcate optimism, love, gratitude and positive influence.

John 9:3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me to shame the devil by turning my bad stories into inspiring, encouraging and invigorating  back-stories. Amen

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