16 July 2021 – Small is Big – Part 1

Zechariah 4:10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.

Glorious endings always have small beginnings. The fear of failure has stopped people from putting their hands to the plough. Myles Munroe rightly said, “The graveyard is the richest place on the surface of the earth because there you will see the books that were not published, ideas that were not harnessed, songs that were not sung, and drama pieces that were never acted.” All great achievements sprout as a small idea. If you want to become a writer, start a blog. If you want to become a successful businessman, start small with what you have.

The  young shepherd David employed everything that his hands could find. There were no music stores with instruments in the wilderness. The harp that he taught himself to play would have been from the twins and twine that he could find in the backwoods. The slingshot was David’s ‘Xbox or PS4 console’ that he entertained himself with, while watching over the sheep. His skillful gaming became his powerful weapon.  It was a piece of rag and some rocks that promoted the ruddy boy from the rut to royalty.  

Begin with what you have:

1.   Assess: Self assessment is step one. We must assess our strengths and our areas of improvements. Stop mourning about your limitations and leverage your strength. David was given the dirty job of sheep keeping. His brothers were trained to become soldiers in the army. However, David gave his best at what he did. An insecure person has not assessed their strength but is envious of the gifts and talents of others. Self-assessment and innate skills built on God-confidence will help us to capitalise the opportunities that come our way. Assess and leverage your strength.  

2.   DispossessWhen discouragement comes, don’t stop, dig deep and fight through. David’s brother Eliab tried to discourage him from the awesome prospect of taking the giant down. To possess what is ours, we must fight to dispossess discouragement. Many times, our greatest enemy is the voice in our head or our close family and friends. Disregard discouragement. David did not allow discouragement to derail him from fighting the giant with the slingshot and pebbles. Dispossess, dislodge and drive out discouragement.

3.   Possess: Start with what you have and where you are. David must have built his own harp with the materials that he found in the wilderness. His slingshot must have been rags from the hangings of the raggedy clothes of a shepherd boy. Start small to possess the promised land – paint, publish and print; cook and clean; sing or speak. You might fail but failure is only shaping you towards your victory. David fine-tuned his harping and singing by performing to the sheep. He sharpened his slaying skills by hunting the lion and the bear that came to steal his sheep. The weight of the bronze armour of Goliath weighed 125 pounds however, the nine feet giant could not stand before the stones and the slingshot of the shepherd boy.

Small is big when it is powered with the muscle of the Almighty God. Start where you are. Our God is the God of small beginnings but great endings.  

1 John 4:4 The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world..

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I give you my stones, slingshot and skills. Use it to possess the promises in the Word of God and fulfil my purpose on this earth. Amen.

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