27 July 2021 – Mastermind – Part 5

Colossians 3:2 Set your minds and keep them set on what is above.

There are over-thinkers and steady-thinkers. Over-thinkers voluntarily invite doubt and turn into double-minded defaulters. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind (James 1:6). There is only a thin line between over-thinking and discernment. When analysis of a challenge invites anxiety, we have stepped over the line from assessing to magnifying an issue. Unlike the worldly strategies of mind management that teaches us to empty our mind, the Bible teaches us to fill our mind with the Word of God. Empty mind is the devil’s workshop! Filling your mind with God’s thoughts synergises our body and soul to submit to the Holy Spirit. The way to overcome fear, doubt and imagination is to replace our thoughts and not empty our minds. Worrying is meditating on the imaginary doom. Shifting our energy from worrying to ruminating on the promises of God will transform our mind to the likeness of King Jesus.    

Doubt is the yoke that destroys faith. Set your mind on God’s promise before it wanders into doubt, disbelief and fear. Fear will then take us on an emotional rollercoaster of imagination into the worst possible outcomes and imprison us with the shekels of terror and dread. Doubt cripples us with fear. If our thinking is fluid, it will take the shape of the vessel it is poured into. Wrong influence will freeze the mind into crooked shapes!   

Ways to overcome diabolical over-thinking:

1.   Imagination: Imagination is a divine gift of God to humanity. It is imagination that makes us creative, artistic and ingenious. However, if imagination is fueled with the wrong energy of negativity, it makes us complaining, crafty or cranky. When we see the best ahead of us, we will speak of greatness and blessing. However, when we tour in a vehicle of doubt and fear, we will only foresee crashes and chaos. Psalms 73:7b The imaginations of their heart run riot. Use the gift of imagination to paint a pretty picture of a glorious future. False imagination freezes the mind with fear.

2.   Exasperation: Don’t wait for doubt and crazy thinking to push you to a point of frustration. Nip it in the bud. When the qualm of doubt clinches your mind and you start losing your peace – drive it out. It always starts as a strange heavy feeling and soon frustration will be blown out of proportion to affect the heart rate, blood pressure and the entire nervous system. A set mind is steady as it is Christ centric. Frustration fools the mind with doubt.

3.   Rumination: We can meditate on the promise or the problem. A set-mind consciously replaces worry with the Word.  Fear is driven out deliberately by refocusing on the authority of God over the anxiety. Godly rumination and regulated meditation is the discipline of a set-mind. The Bible has a solution to every problem that we face. Repeat God’s Word until doubt, disbelief and disparagement dissipates. Godly rumination marinates the mind in faith.

Double-minded doubters can never inherit the promises of God.  A set and steady mind that meditates constantly on the Word of God radiates the Master’s mind.  

Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.

Prayer: Precious Lord, Your throne is established forever. Help me to hold on to You steadfastly so I may never stagger. Amen.

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