11 August 2021 – Substance & Evidence – Part 6

Hebrews 11:22 By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the burial of his bones.

DNA is the molecule that contains our unique genetic code in every cell in our body. DNA contains vital information that is necessary to produce proteins and is pivotal to our growth, reproduction and health. When we accept Jesus by faith into our heart, the DNA of Christ penetrates into every cell mutating the desire to sin, lust or transgress. 1 John 3:9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning. Until faith becomes our genetic code that produces proteins to build our spiritual muscles, we will not develop, flourish or reproduce spiritually. The DNA of faith must be in our blood, bones and brain.  

Joseph became the Governor of Egypt and his financial advice to the Pharaoh saved the world during the severe seven year famine. His tears and tests as a young lad was only a triumphant march right into the Treasury of Egypt. He dressed like an Egyptian, spoke like an Egyptian and became the chief official of Egypt. Yet, the DNA in his blood, bones and brain carried the genes of His Creator and Maker. The genetics that fed into his belief-system, conduct and character was faith. Hence, he did not forget the covenant that God had made with his Great-Granddad . He wired the brains of his children and grandchildren about the exodus out of Egypt.  He gave them instructions to carry his bones from the pyramids into the Promised Land when the Lord migrates them to Canaan after 400 years. If the bones of Joseph were tested, it would have had the “DNA of faith”.

Three DNA tests of faith:                                                                                            

1.  Blood: Our blood is transfused with the blood of Jesus when we accept him into our heart. We no longer carry the genes, the nature, character, generational disease or curses of the family bloodline of our parents or grandparents.  The pure, holy and sin-free blood of Jesus is transfused into our bloodstream. Hereditary blood transmitted disease cannot be passed on to us through the bloodline. DNA tests in our blood will prove that we come from the family-line of Jesus Christ.

2.  Bone: Our bone constitution is straightened, strengthened and structured with the DNA of Jesus.  We need not hang our heads low with our past mistakes, silly messes and moments of stupor. There is a realignment to our bones when we accept Christ. Our composure, competence and character will change to the likeness of Christ. A DNA test of the bone will prove that we belong to the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

3.  Brain: There will be new cell formation in our brain.  The negative, ugly and defeated thought patterns will be rejuvenated into frolic and flourishing positive thought patterns. Our nerve cells will never lose the flavour and fervour of Christlikeness.  We will remain in youthful strength mentally, emotionally and spiritual until we reach Heaven. DNA tests on the brain will prove that we have the mind of Christ.

Faith is the genetic code or the DNA of a child of God.

1 John 3:9b They cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you for the DNA transfer and the blood transfusion of Jesus into my mortal body. I can boldly say that I  am a holy seed, a Son and Daughter of the Creator God. Amen.

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