13 August 2021 – Powerade – Part 1

Romans 8:24b-25 But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

Powerade is a sports drink that is designed to balance the fluids in our body and to help us stay hydrated and energized during hard workouts. Powerade contains electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium that is lost in sweat. Hope” is the powerade that hydrates and energizes the soul. Hope is the confident expectation of what God has promised and an unshakable trust in His faithfulness. Living without hope is like severing the blood flow to the brain. Hopelessness will drain our emotions, steal our joy, kill our expectations and make us brain dead.  A man begins to die when he ceases to expect anything from tomorrow – Abraham Miller.  

Just as hard workouts can drain the energy from our body, waiting can deplete hope from our soul. If dehydration of the soul is not attended to, it can cause depression or even spiritual death. Repeated failures, extended periods of waiting or reoccurring disappointments can wither our hope. As electrolyte hydrates the body, God’s Word revives the soul. The way to resuscitate dying hope is to rest in the Lord and trust His Word. When David was weary by escaping the snares, plots and schemes of his enemy and when his hope was shaky, he rested in the promises of God. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD (Psalms 24:14).  

Three ways to restore diminishing hope:

  1. Sip: It is recommended to sip on powerade slowly throughout the day to keep our body hydrated and energetic. Similarly, hope is not built in one session, one message or one meeting. Hyped optimism will die swiftly.  Hope is built slowly, step by step and sip by sip. As you sip powerade or your caffeine, ruminate on the promises of God. Read out promises loudly so they may resound them in the depth of your soul. Keep sipping on the powerade of God’s promises throughout the day.
  1. Stir: Powerade powder must be mixed only with the recommended measure of water. Too strong will affect your liver and too thin will water it down. Hope is not just happy thoughts. Wishful thinking is not hopeful thinking. Study the lives of the saints and heroes in the Bible and stir up your hope. When our soul is stirred and strengthened by testimonies, then hope will become our support.  If God could protect David and Daniel, He will preserve you and me. Stir your soul with the powerade of testimonies.  
  1. Sweat: Dr. Michele Casey says, most people spend their lives slightly dehydrated. Our body does not have the required amount of water content on busy days. Likewise stress, anxiety or worry are sweat that drains and dehydrates the soul, leaving us despondent, dry and droopy. Tests and trials are only hard workouts that strengthen our spiritual muscles. When you are tired and sweaty, just rest and refresh yourself on the promises of God to recuperate strength.  

Sip on the powerade of God’s Word, stir up your hope with the testimonies and sit at his feet and revive.  

Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

Prayer: Father God, it is not in your nature to fail as you are always faithful to your Word. Help me to remain hydrated spiritually by sipping and supping on your Word. Amen. 

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