15 August 2021 – Powerade – Part 3

Hebrews 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.

The anchor keeps a ship from drifting away into by strong winds or tidal waves. Every vessel must carry one or two anchors. “A sea anchor” is a break or a drag device used to minimize the drift of the vessel into the water by the winds and tides. Hence anchors are used to combat winds and currents that move the vessel off course. As anchor is to the ship, hope” is to the emotions of our soul. It keeps us steady, safe and secure from being staggered and dragged by the storms of life. Hope is the anchor that stabilizes our emotions as well as the Powerade that boosts our spiritual muscles to keep paddling, rowing and sailing towards our destination.

Usually a captain decides to drop the anchor when he wants to reduce the speed of the vessel.  There could be various reasons to slow down the vessel such as probable collusion, change of direction or bad weather conditions. Dropping the anchor slows the boat until the climatic conditions calm down. We must learn to drop the anchor of hope when baffled by the tempests, tornadoes or trials. Making decisions when emotionally wrecked will leave permanent damage.  Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings.  Hope is not denying the facts or pretending that it doesn’t exist but overcoming the diagnosis, damage or discouragement with the truth from God’s Word. Truth triumphs over facts. Hope deciphers the supremacy of God’s authority over reality.

Three tips to drop the anchor of hope for spiritual strength to sail on:

  1. Stop: The secret to synergize our racing thoughts, erratic emotions, probabilities in the light and essence God’s Word is to “STOP”.  Take a break by throwing the anchor of hope down. Stop talking about the problem, debilitate defeating thoughts and sink into the Word. Read a portion of scripture that has touched your heart before. Read it over and over again until the negative thoughts are overwritten by the prophetic promises of assurance. Stop and drop the anchor of hope.
  1. Sit: The second secret to a healthy soul is rest. A day’s rest from hard workouts is essential for our muscles to grow burly and strong. However, resting without drinking fluids will still leave us dehydrated and tired. Sitting in silence or liquid sorrow (tears) is not the solution. Sitting still will not save the ship from sinking. Sit in the presence of God. Our mind is never vacant. It munches on what we feed in as thoughts. Psalm 119:81 My soul longs for your salvation; I hope in your word. So sit and meditate on God’s Word to resuscitate hope.   
  1. Sing: Thirdly, when the soul is wounded and it is hard to pray, drop the anchor of hope and sing. Sing some familiar hymns and songs. Sing until the ruckus in your soul is silenced with songs of praise and the stifling heat waves are turned into gentle breeze. Singing reinstalls hope and happiness to our soul. Hope clears the misty fog in our spiritual eyes and gives us clarity and vision; so sing and sail on.  

When battered by storms of slander, strife or sickness, drop the anchor; stop, sit and sing to hydrate hope into your soul.  

Romans 5:5 And hope does not put us to shame.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, when the tempest of life tosses me around, teach me to draw strength from the truth and your testament. Amen. 

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