17 August 2021 – Powerade – Part 5

Colossians 1:5 The faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in Heaven.

Winston Churchill, the former British Prime Minister is best remembered for his emotive language, powerful imagery and inspiring speeches during the darkest days of the nation. He successfully led Britain during World War II. The motivational speeches of Churchill not only gave the nation a momentary boost but also produced a voracious hunger for victory. The mark of a great orator is not in the flamboyance of the vocabulary but in the frequency of the heart. You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart” – John Ford.  The speeches of the Prime Minister were like Powerade boosts of hope into the hearts of the fainting footmen.

Similarly, hope that instills love and faith to a fatigued and frazzled soul is like a spring of fresh water to a disheartened soul. The words from a discouraged soul will be distasteful, sour, bitter and salty but the words from the spring of hope will be sweet and refreshing. Hence “hope” is like hydrating Powerade that produces a perfect blend of love and faith.

Hope is the spring of hydrating Powerade:

  1. Location: Water near the beach often has a slight scent of sulfur. Calcium makes water taste milky and smooth, magnesium makes it bitter, sodium tastes salty and sulfur makes it smell like rotten eggs. If the soil of the soul (mind) is on the bank of arrogance, astringent or animosity, the spring will taste sour and salty. However, the soil of humility and holiness spurts “springs of hope”. As the location of the spring determines the taste of the water, the soil of our mind will spring up hope or hatred.   
  1. Latitude: Water from mountain springs is packed with minerals and is like a premium healthy hydrated Powerade to our body. The latitude will determine the richness in minerals and medicinal value. Mountain spring water has the perfect blend of natural nutrients that neutralizes acidity and optimizes tissue and cell health. Similarly, hope that springs from the mountain of prayer neutralizes the acidic negative thoughts and fortifies the truth and trust. The latitude of the spring of hope will negate offensive thoughts and will nutrify positive nourishing notions.    
  1. Leap:  The word “spring” comes from the German word “springer”, which means “to leap from the ground”. “Hope” is the spring that leaps from the soil of our soul. The condition of the ground will determine the sweetness or the sourness of the spring. If we pitch our hope on bank balance, bounty or bonds, the taste of our spring will keep changing with the changing circumstances; however if our hope is on the promises of God, our soul will only spring forth compassion and confidence. Irrespective of the circumstances our soul will be steady in love, sturdy in faith and will confess – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28). The strength and sweetness from the spring of hope will flow out as love and faith in our words, work and walk.    

The “spring of hope” located on the prayer mountain and on mineral rich latitude is like a premium Powerade that waters the soul.

Psalms 62:5 Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, be the source of the spring of hope to my soul. May my soul spring forth love and faith from the hope that is stored up for me in Heaven. Amen. 

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