23 August 2021 – Offended? – Part 4

Judges 6:13b But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.

Social media and the internet has drastically changed the way we communicate and connect with each other. A tweet can reach millions instantly and news can spread at the speed of light. However text messages, emojis and emails don’t carry the emotions of the sender hence whisks misunderstanding, controversies, divisiveness and offensive flames. Those who are ignorant or unknowledgeable about a post or topic are either offended or defensive about their views aggravating a cascade of stench. Even families and friends have separated over a FB discussion or instagram post! Social media accentuates offense.

During the time of Gideon in Judges 6, the priest and prophets were the voice of God. God raised and anointed judges who ruled the nation of Israel. Though the Israelites inherited the Promised Land under the covenantal caveat of their forefather Abraham, they failed to follow the precepts of the promise. All promises have conditions attached. These are like the conditions behind the gift vouchers. However, Israelites were complacent and lived carelessly breaking the rule book. Hence they exposed themselves to the brutal oppression of the Midianites and the Amalekites. Then, they complained “the Lord has abandoned us”. Ignorance breeds offence; but, they were offended with God for not fulfilling a promise that they had broken! The social media in 1170 BC was the old ladies tales on street corners. The widespread gossip was that “God has abandoned us” as they were completely oblivious to their sins that exposed them to the enemies. Offense is buried in ignorance, intimidation and incarceration.

Three lessons from Gideon’s generation:

  1. Ignorance: The Lord responded to the wails of the people and sent a prophet to warn them. I said to you, ‘I am the Lord your God; do not worship the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you live.’ But you have not listened to me” (Judges 6:10).  Idolatry had crept and had stolen the protection of the Israelites. Even today, social media only leaves people offended when the truth is spoken. They are termed as ‘hate speeches’ and the legitimacy of the information is ignored. Many are offended with God but they are ignorant about the open doors in their life. The ignorant are more susceptible to offense.  
  1. Inaction: Gideon’s generation was passive about the forewarnings and the prophecies.  We don’t see them cleaning up their junk hence they could not exterminate the jerks. They remained inactive to the word of warning  and continued to whine and mourn that God had forsaken them. Passivity results in doubt and diabolical conclusion. Offence is the outcome of inaction.   
  1. Incarceration: The power of Midian was so oppressive, the Israelites prepared shelters for themselves in mountain clefts, caves and caverns. Offense imprisons and incarcerates us from people, power and potential. This is the ‘withdrawal symptom’ that we notice in the majority of the current populations who are unable to process the waves of challenges. Incarceration is the sign of offense.  

The answers to the current affairs are in the BIBLE. Rather than being offended at God or the political leaders, let us draw insight from the Word of God. Study the prophecies and stand on the promises of God.

1 Timothy 1:18 Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, let the light of your Word shine in my heart and illuminate my mind with the truth of your promises and prophecies. Amen. 

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