30 August 2021 – Jesus Did Not Say – Part 4

Matthew 8:26a (Jesus) He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”

The topography of the Sea of Galilee can change in just a few minutes. Due to the low lying position of the rift valley the sea can be battered with sudden violent storms. The wind blows at the speed of 900 to 1100 knots per hour. The waves have recorded to rise up to 10 feet! This large freshwater lake was called a sea due to the rapidly changing climatic features. The storm that struck the boat that Jesus and his disciples were in was a furious squall that could have wrecked the boat. As the waves swept over the boat to swallow it, the disciples woke up Jesus who was having a nap in the midst of an upheaval! Jesus woke up in the middle of the tumultuous tempest and rebuked them, “why are you so afraid?”. He did not say “don’t be afraid” but reprimanded them for their fear. I’m surprised that impetuous Peter did not react to Jesus. However, the thoughts that would have raced in the disciplines would have been – “can you not see that we are sinking?

Jesus was teaching the disciples the power of His presence. The One who has the wind in His hands was sleeping in the boat. The excerpts of synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) were mostly the last year of the ministry of Jesus. This means that the disciples have been the travelling evangelists with Jesus for over 2 years. They have witnessed the sick being healed, demons driven out and lives transformed. However they could not exercise their faith to calm down the tempestuous tornado. His presence automatically brings power, authority and miracles into our lives.

Three things to remember when we face storms, squalls and squabbles:

  1. Storms: When we face sudden violent storms that shake our health or happiness, remember Jesus is in the boat. When the Prince of Peace is in our boat, the ferocious storms of disease, depression or division cannot invade our lives. Rather than mourning if we start praising, singing and welcoming His glory, the storm will calm down.  Recognizing the presence of Jesus drives away the storm.   
  1. Squalls: When we face unexpected financial strain, unforeseen expenses or unbudgeted losses, remember Jesus is in your boat. When the Head of the Treasury of Heaven dwells in our home, all we have to do is place a petition for provision and rest. Jesus said, why do you worry about what to wear and what to eat. He is the provider even during COVID when the shelves of the supermarket are empty! Petition to the Provider and rest in His presence.
  1. Squabbles: When we face the squabbles of accusation, sarcasm or scorn, don’t be afraid. As long as Jesus is in our boat, the allegation will only shame the detractors. Isaiah 54:17b And every tongue which rises against you in judgment. You shall condemn. Squabbles must be silenced by denouncing negativity and pronouncing the promises of God. Proclaiming the Word brings His presence and victory over our lives.    

When Jesus is in your boat, no storm, squall or squabble can harm you. His glory and presence brings healing, provision and victory.

Matthew 8:26b Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Prayer: Jesus, my Sweet Jesusas long as you are in my boat, no violent storm can overtake me. You are the King over the storm. Amen. 

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