11 September 2021 – Stages of Prayer – Part 2

Exodus 20:24 An altar of earth you shall make for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and your oxen. In every place where I cause my name to be remembered I will come to you and bless you.

The tabernacle of Moses gives us a footpath and route to the stages of prayer. The first stop after they entered ‘The Gate’ of the tabernacle was at the ‘altar of sacrifice’. People were still in the outer court with their offerings, gifts and petitions at the brazen altar of sacrifice waiting for their sacrificial offerings to be accepted. The altar was built with water resistant acacia wood and overlaid with bronze.

The typography of the altar of sacrifice is the depiction of our posture of prayer. Once we enter “The Gate” with thanksgiving, we offer the sacrifice of praise on the altar. The altar of sacrifice allegorically represents the wooden cross and the blood of Jesus that was shed as a remission and retribution of our sins.  We receive forgiveness in faith at the altar. The altar is where we meet the Saviour Jesus. This is where we start enjoying His presence and the assurance of forgiveness and acceptance. This is where we are set free from bondages, curses and the burden of sin.  The altar of sacrifice is a table where the divine exchange is completed.

The second stage of prayer is the “The altar of Sacrifice”:

  1. Give: In the tabernacle built by Moses, the priest would sacrifice a lamb, calf or grain as a burnt or a peace offering. Likewise, this is the posture of divine exchange when we give our pleas and receive pardon in exchange. We give our petitions and receive blessings. This is where we see Jesus standing as recompense for our sins. He has clothed me with garments of salvation (Isaiah 61:10a). At the altar, we empty our hands, works and needs at the feet of Jesus.
  1. Forgive:  Altar is the place of confession and forgiveness. Jesus categorically said that our offerings and requests will not be accepted if there is unforgiveness in our hearts. Leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift (Matthew 5:24)If a person had travelled a long way to Jerusalem, he or she would have to tie the goat at the altar, travel back to the hometown, meet with their enemy, forgive the grudge and then come back to offer the sacrifice. Similarly, without forgiveness our prayers and supplications will not be accepted. This is why some prayers remain unanswered. At the altar, we empty our hearts from all unforgiveness, discontent or derision
  1. Expressive: Altar is the place of expression. We will find ourselves talking, singing, praising and petitioning.  It is still very noisy to start hearing the voice of God. Many people stop their prayer here abruptly with an amen! However, we are only at the second stop and stage of prayer. Altar of sacrifice is a place of expression.

After we enter ‘The Gate’ of prayer our first stop is at the brazen altar which represents the foot of the cross to receive forgiveness. Stage two is a place of divine exchange.

Isaiah 61:10b He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness.

Prayer:  Dear Holy Spirit, I need your grace to forgive those who hurt me, slandered about me and ruthlessly ruined my reputation. Help me to forgive to receive forgiveness from You. Amen. 

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