04 October 2021 – Unprecedented Solutions – Part 4

Matthew 15: A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

Unprecedented challenges call for unbeatable determination. Jesus was in the region of Tyre and Sidon which is the modern port city of Lebanon along the Mediterranean coast. This province was referred to as the Syrophoenicia; a territory that was controlled by the pagan religions, idolatry, sorcery, witchcraft and heathen practices. A Greek woman who was raised in Syrian Phoenicia fell at the feet of Jesus and begged for the healing of her demon possessed daughter. The Syrophoenician rituals or gods could not heal her daughter. For a while, Jesus ignored her request. Then He indicated that He had come to save the Jews and not the gentiles. He(Jesus) replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs” (Mark 7:26). However, the resolute reply of the woman amazed Jesus. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table” (Mark 7:27). She was determined to lick the crumbs as her Greek mythology nor the Syrophoenician traditions could not cure her daughter. Tough times require tenacious faith.  

Adulteration of milk is tested at freezing temperature. Milk freezes between −0.53 to −0.56°C and water freezes at 0°C. When it has been adulterated the freezing point rises nearer to that of water. Similarly, the test of steadfast faith is at the freezing temperature of setbacks, silence and slander. The woman’s faith was tested when she felt ignored, ostracized and disregarded. It reached the freezing point when she was even called a dog! Yet she did not give up but pressed on. But the one who endures to the end will be saved (Matthew 27:13).

Unprecedented determinations draw unbelievable answers:

  1. Silence: When God is silent, He is not overlooking our plea. Silence is the test of our perseverance. Jesus pretended to disrespect this pleading woman but He was actually testing her determination. God’s silence is to test the seriousness of our petition. Silence from God is only the surety of greater blessing.    
  1. Slur: When Jesus gave an analogy of throwing the children’s food to the dogs, her dogma to receive the miracle from the creator of the world was under scrutiny. If the woman was insulted by the slur, she would have missed her miracle. When mocked for our persistence in prayer and ridiculed at the delayed attention and answer from God, just remember, the earnestness and genuineness of your faith is tested. Slur and slander are steps to significance.
  1. Serene: The serenity during the test brought the answers to her prayer. Her eagerness to receive a miracle overruled her emotions as she knew that Jesus had authority over the traumatizing demon. The serenity was the trust that the Saviour could drive out what her pagan practices could not cure.  Jesus granted the request of the desperate mother, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter” (Mark 7:29). Our calmness during the calamity is the test of our trust. The demonic world hates our serenity in the Lord, as it suffocates their hold on our lives.  Serenity is the rod that breaks the spine of the satanic.   

Unprecedented times require steadfast perseverance, patience and peace.

Mark 7:30 She went home and found her child lying on the bed, and the demon gone.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to remain persistent through the test of silence and slur. May serenity shield my mind in perfect peace. Amen. 

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