14 October 2021 – Faith vs Feelings – Part 7

John 11:35 Jesus wept.

Most employers test their candidates on “IQ”(Intelligence quotient)  as well as “EQ”(emotional quotient). A person with high IQ but low EQ is only a “brilliant robot”. Feelings are a divine gift to relate to God and man. Feelings reveal the substratum of the soul and a window to the hidden substance of our heart. Emotions are a psychological state that affect our bodily response. Face is not a secondary billboard for our internal feelings. It is an equal partner in the emotional process – Malcolm Gladwell.  We are ‘emotional beings’, however, emotions are only meant to be “expressions” and not the “drivers” of life. Positive thoughts increase our faith and negative thoughts disintegrate our faith.      

Jesus was expressive with His emotions – Jesus wept at the tomb of His dear friend Lazarus. When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled (John 11:34). Jesus was standing at the threshold of a mighty miracle; however, the pain and agony of Mary deeply moved Him. Our tears and torment touch the heart of God. Jesus, once more deeply moved (John 11:38a). Jesus was not an emotionless ‘magic man’ but a compassionate “Miracle Master”. The epitome of the emotional expressions of Jesus is reassuring that our hurt and heartache matters to the Lord. The bottom line is, our emotions must move us towards our miracle and build our faith. Feelings must not discourage, dishearten and dampen our faith.   

Emotions must accentuate not debilitate our faith.

Faith vs Feelings:

  1. IQ: Intelligent quotient measures our intellectual abilities and potential. An intelligent person is not  someone who has scored high in the IQ test or who has degrees and doctorates longer than their name but a person who makes intelligent choices of their thoughts, time, talents and treasures. A ”brilliant fool” is someone who knows what is right but chooses to follow their feelings and make poor choices. Intelligent quotient educates faith.  
  1. EQ: Emotional quotient is the ability to understand and manage emotions. EQ disciplines the mind to relieve stress, communicate effectively and share empathy. EQ is the essence that changes the knowhow (knowledge) into do-how (application). Dwelling on bad news, allowing anxiety to build barricades, and repetitive negative thought patterns will only bring disgusting, repulsive, distasteful refluxes to the mind. Replacing negative emotions by repeating the promises of God, praising and dwelling on the omnipotence of God rather than our own abilities would accelerate our faith and deflate negative emotions. Emotional quotient grows faith.   
  1. SQ: There is a third test that builds us holistically that is called “spiritual quotient”. Emotions and intelligence within the “spiritual container” will produce results. However, if we have our hearts hanging on our sleeves and emotions exposed, erupting, spilling and spoiling relationships, our IQ will destroy the EQ. Our intelligence will be unused and wasted if our emotions are out of control. Success clothed in the spiritual quotient of “humility” will emanate wisdom but the victory of the prideful will only be clamorous  flaunting.  Spiritual quotient is the test of our regimented prayer life, self-discipline, self-control and serenity. Spiritual quotient stabilizes faith.      

Accentuate feelings that assimilate faith and declutter negative, demeaning and self-destructive emotions that disintegrate faith. Let faith rule over feelings not feelings over faith.

2 Kings 20:5 I have heard thy prayer, and I have seen thy tears.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of emotions and expression. Help my faith to rule over my feelings.  Amen. 

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