16 October 2021 – Battle Strategies – Part 2

Ephesians 6:12a For our battle is not against flesh and blood.

Our battle is not with our spouses, siblings or our supervisors. Our struggles are with the powerful demonic divisions, evil spirits, and ranks of rebellious authorities that hold the dark world in bondage. Our battle is with the demonic, devouring, ravaging wolves. Many lose their battle as they go into combat in the wrong realm. A spiritual problem can never be won by a carnal fight.

Joshua’s battle at ‘Ai’ gives us the winning guidelines and strategies to overthrow the demonic interference in our domain. Our Lord God strategized an “Operation Unthinkable” to conquer Jericho (the previous battle). However, when they came to the next town, Joshua and his army faced a shameful defeat and were routed by the people of Ai. The defeat had two distinct reasons. Firstly, overconfidence and secondly, hidden, unconfessed sin. Joshua did not consult the Lord for a plan of attack, neither did he command the people to consecrate themselves. After the knockdown at Ai, Joshua never stepped into the battlefield without preparation. The Lord God gave him a military plan to lure the fighting men of Ai out towards the north and set an ambush to attack the city in the west. So, the men of Ai were hemmed in the middle with the troop on one side, and the ambush on the other.  The city of Ai was annihilated. 

When fiercely pursued by slander, false accusation or malignancy, run to the Lord for direction. Joshua 8:18 the Lord said to Joshua, “Hold out toward Ai the javelin that is in your hand, for into your hand I will deliver the city.”

Three strategies to combat the ferocious fangs of the demonic:

  1. Consult: Never underestimate the enemy. We don’t have to glorify the devil or credit the demons for every stumble, but we cannot undervalue their deviousness. Remember the demons are experts in the field of slurring the saints. Before seeking professional advice or consulting with friends, we must spend time with the Lord. Receive divine direction before reacting. God will speak to us through a verse, His still small voice, a billboard phrase or even a TV advertisement. When you wait on Him, you are sure to hear from Him. Consult before retaliating.
  1. Consecrate: Consecrate before activating the plan. The winning strategy is choosing holiness and righteousness over wrongness. We must let go of unforgiveness, stubbornness and vengeance before God can move mightily in our midst. The Israelites had the promise to conquer, yet, they had sin hidden in the tent. Hence, they were defeated. Hidden sin or generational curses are footholds for demonic domination. Consecrate before conquest.
  1. Corner: Outwit the enemy. The demonic thrives when we fume and fret. Ambush and attack the enemy on both sides, by blessing the people who hurt you and praying for those who harmed you. The “reverse reactions” of loving instead of hating pulls the rug under the feet of the demons. Blessing instead of cursing will culminate in the demonic plans. Joshua held the javelin until the enemy was destroyed. Hold the Word of God towards the problem, and forgive and bless the offenders. Reverse reactions corners, stupefies, and eradicates demonic activity.

The battle strategy to overthrow defamation and offence is by blessing those who curse, smear, slander or smirch. 

Joshua 8:8 Do what the Lord has commanded.

Prayer: Heavenly Father,  the hardest thing to do is to bless the slanderers.  Give me the grace and love to bless those who discredit, disparage and damage my reputation. Amen. 

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