17 October 2021 – Battle Strategies – Part 3

Joshua 10:7 Joshua marched up from Gilgal with his entire army, including all the best fighting men.

The Hivites from Gibeon heard about the victories of the Israelites, resorted to a ruse and tricked Joshua that they were people from a distant country. Joshua made a peace treaty with the Gibeonites.

The Amorites Kings who heard about  the association mustered a multitude to attack Gibeon. The people of Gibeon implored Joshua to come to their aid. Hence, Joshua’s next challenge was a coalition of five Amorites Kings. Joshua had learnt his lessons from the past mistakes and consulted the Lord before he plunged into battle. Joshua 10:8 Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you.”

Attack from a demonic alliance would feel like all of hell has broken loose against us. When a confluence of a workplace crisis, challenging health report, an unexpected expense and a ridiculously silly accident, collide together, at the same time, it is an attack from the seething evil league. There is normally a hidden deception (of a curse, chant or charm) behind an attack from a demonic alliance. Consult and consecrate before you conquer. Consecration will throw the throng into confusion. The Lord threw them into confusion before Israel (Joshua 10:10). When hell breaks loose, unleash Heavenly help on bent knees.   

Battle strategies against the morbid mob:

  1. Halt: The earth froze for Joshua to continue to fight and obliterate the enemy. Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stand still one full day (Joshua 10:13). NASA scientists, calculating the orbits of the moon, planets and other celestial bodies found a missing day. There was an astronaut who knew the Bible and concluded the missing piece of the puzzle as (Joshua 10:13). There are arguments “for” and “against” this publication but there is no need of a “NASA mandate” or a manmade authoritative body to authenticate the living Word of God. Bible without miracles will only be a history book. God will stop the cosmos to conquer the conquest.  
  1. Hail: The Lord hurled large hailstones down on the enemies who escaped (Joshua 10:11a). When inundated by the insinuating enemy, remember all of creation is fighting with us. Heaven will intervene against the forces that are too strong to resist. The corrupt connections, misleading influences, misrepresented image, unmanageable mishaps or misunderstood conversations will be squashed by a praying giant. Hail will crush wicked assaults. Hail will rain down as an unexpected promotion, sudden policy change, a miraculous healing or an unexplainable reunion. God will send hail to drive out the attacking bandit brigade.
  1. Host: Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel! (Joshua 10:14a). Our battles can never be won with our intellect, initiatives or influence. Hosts against the horde is the victory formula. Call upon combating angels, angelic protection and divine strategies to rout the demonic forces. Joshua was five against one yet, God gave the enemies into the hands of Joshua. While we fight on bent knees, the hosts will baffle the demonic world back to their hellish hood. Hosts of Heaven will break free when hell breaks loose.          

Divine alliance with the  Heavenly, angelic and celestial hosts is the strategy to defeat the demonic coalition .  

Joshua 10:13b The sun stopped in the middle of the sky.

Prayer: Lord of Hosts, open the floodgates of Heaven and send Heavenly help when hell breaks loose against me. Coach me to confuse and conquer demonic coalition.  Amen. 

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