18 October 2021 – Battle Strategies – Part 4

Joshua 14:12 Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. ..the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as He said.”

Winston Churchill was called the “wartime Prime Minister” of Great Britain. His motivational speeches during the war, galvanized courage in the disheartened hearts to cascade through the dangers of war. Some of his famous discourses were ‘We shall fight on the beaches’‘Finest hour’, “Blood, toil, tears & sweat” and “Strong horses”. Churchill’s strong communication skills, innovative ideas and trustworthiness has made him one of the greatest leaders of history. “Never never never give up” – Winston Churchill.

Caleb was a man who had a profound testimony from none other than the Lord God Himself. ”My servant Caleb has a different spirit” (Numbers 14:24). It was Caleb and Joshua who encouraged the discouraged generation. However the unfaithful generation of the Hebrew slaves, who were delivered from Egypt, died in the wilderness. Caleb was 40 years old when he first spied that land of the Canaanites and he was 85  years when Joshua’s generation stepped into the Promised Land but his resolute spirit regenerated his physical body. He said  “I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out (Joshua 14:11)”. Caleb did not want an easy win. He wanted to drive out the Anakites. Anakites were a formidable race of warlike tall giants who occupied Southern Israel.After waiting for 45 years, he pursued to go for the most fertile land. The city of Hebron of the hill country was a walled city in the south, perched nearly at the crest of the mountainous chain at about 3,000 feet elevation. Caleb dislodged, disposed and drove out the giants from it.

When we face battles that are impracticable and indomitable, see victory, speak breakthrough and succeed with the help of the Lord. 

Battle strategies for mission impossible:

  1. See: When Caleb’s mates saw giants and their fortified walled cities, Caleb saw garrisons as his inheritance.  See the glorious end from the entanglement. Unless our spiritual eyes are opened to what the Word of God says about our spouse, a wayward child, our health or financial future, we will not have the tenacity to overcome. The giants of failure, fret and fury will beat us down. See healing,  deliverance, progression and a splendid end to the unconquerable giants through your eyes of faith.   
  1. Speak: In the midst of a crucible and severe test, speak faith not fear. Do not confess the sickness, stubbornness or suffering as the conclusion. Speaking faith is not ignoring the reality but lifting the Sovereignty of the Lord above the strength of the giants. Speak triumph before your step down from your bed, confess victory during the day and dream success until the blessing comes to fruition. 
  1. Succeed: Success follows those who see and speak victory. Churchill had the different audacious spirit like Caleb. Churchill stimulated and excited the people by his inspiring speeches and spoke Britain into victory. What we dwell on we become.So, dwell on victory, dwell on the promises of God not the severity of the situation. See, speak and succeed.         

See, speak and succeed over the unbeatable giants.   

Joshua 14:14 So Hebron has belonged to Caleb ever since, because he followed the Lord, the God of Israel, wholeheartedly.

Prayer: Lord God you are my mighty warrior. With you I will overcome the giants of recession, aggression or oppression.  Amen. 

Joshua 14:12 Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. ..the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as He said.”

Winston Churchill was called the “wartime Prime Minister” of Great Britain. His motivational speeches during the war, galvanized courage in the disheartened hearts to cascade through the dangers of war. Some of his famous discourses were ‘We shall fight on the beaches’‘Finest hour’, “Blood, toil, tears & sweat” and “Strong horses”. Churchill’s strong communication skills, innovative ideas and trustworthiness has made him one of the greatest leaders of history. “Never never never give up” – Winston Churchill.

Caleb was a man who had a profound testimony from none other than the Lord God Himself. ”My servant Caleb has a different spirit” (Numbers 14:24). It was Caleb and Joshua who encouraged the discouraged generation. However the unfaithful generation of the Hebrew slaves, who were delivered from Egypt, died in the wilderness. Caleb was 40 years old when he first spied that land of the Canaanites and he was 85  years when Joshua’s generation stepped into the Promised Land but his resolute spirit regenerated his physical body. He said  “I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out (Joshua 14:11)”. Caleb did not want an easy win. He wanted to drive out the Anakites. Anakites were a formidable race of warlike tall giants who occupied Southern Israel.After waiting for 45 years, he pursued to go for the most fertile land. The city of Hebron of the hill country was a walled city in the south, perched nearly at the crest of the mountainous chain at about 3,000 feet elevation. Caleb dislodged, disposed and drove out the giants from it.

When we face battles that are impracticable and indomitable, see victory, speak breakthrough and succeed with the help of the Lord. 

Battle strategies for mission impossible:

  1. See: When Caleb’s mates saw giants and their fortified walled cities, Caleb saw garrisons as his inheritance.  See the glorious end from the entanglement. Unless our spiritual eyes are opened to what the Word of God says about our spouse, a wayward child, our health or financial future, we will not have the tenacity to overcome. The giants of failure, fret and fury will beat us down. See healing,  deliverance, progression and a splendid end to the unconquerable giants through your eyes of faith.   
  1. Speak: In the midst of a crucible and severe test, speak faith not fear. Do not confess the sickness, stubbornness or suffering as the conclusion. Speaking faith is not ignoring the reality but lifting the Sovereignty of the Lord above the strength of the giants. Speak triumph before your step down from your bed, confess victory during the day and dream success until the blessing comes to fruition. 
  1. Succeed: Success follows those who see and speak victory. Churchill had the different audacious spirit like Caleb. Churchill stimulated and excited the people by his inspiring speeches and spoke Britain into victory. What we dwell on we become.So, dwell on victory, dwell on the promises of God not the severity of the situation. See, speak and succeed.         

See, speak and succeed over the unbeatable giants.   

Joshua 14:14 So Hebron has belonged to Caleb ever since, because he followed the Lord, the God of Israel, wholeheartedly.

Prayer: Lord God you are my mighty warrior. With you I will overcome the giants of recession, aggression or oppression.  Amen. 

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